Page 118 - Situated_Making_Catalogue
P. 118
Artist Statement
The exhibition in the lower ground of the FADA Gallery breakthroughs in ceramics and print, whilst pushing transfer devices compliment the uniquely stylised and
titled, fragmented fragments and fractals: a progeny the boundaries on many decorative fronts individually carved ceramic shards, culminating in the
of shards formed part of the Staff Creative Output The most obvious breakthrough is visible in underlying theme for my exhibition titled, fragmented,
Exhibition titled, Situated Making and consisted of two the exploration of fractals in the applied waterslide fragments and fractals: a progeny of shards.
separate ceramic statements: ceramic transfer surface decoration. Previous Central to the surface development is the red
transferware I produced made use of traditional ballpoint pen drawing of a cannabis bud, my continued
A body of ceramic transferware; digitally print- textiles pattern techniques such as reflection celebration of plant weeds, the outcasts. The earliest
ed ceramic transfers of my ballpoint pen draw- symmetry, made from the drawings. The inclusion historic evidence of the use of cannabis dates back as
ings, fired onto bespoke ceramic shards. of fractals as surface decoration add a layer of early as 3000 BC, found on excavated pottery shards
A projected animation of my ballpoint pen complexity to the ceramic transferware and the of the Tapenkeng culture on the island of Taiwan (see
drawings onto an upscale shard, a collabo- projected animation, brought about by the incredible Booth, 2003). It first appeared as impressed pieces of
ration with Lukasz Pater, an animator and lec- detail inherent in the scanned large format ballpoint hempen cord as ceramic surface decoration. Banned
turer in Multimedia and Dominic Hobbs, a Mas- pen drawings, A2 and A3 respectively. On the most for centuries, the cannabis plant’s extract CBD, with little
ter’s student in Communication Design. recent decorated shards and in the projection, the if any toxic properties, is quite effective in the treatment
drawn-out fractals of the cannabis bud is reminiscent of chronic pain. Its many commercial and industrial
The exhibition sees the culmination of years of of large brushstrokes, applied to the broad rim of the products include rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food,
research into visual art drawing and ceramics, pioneering shard. The other breakthrough sees the inclusion of paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel. However,
digital solutions. The advancement in digital technology transfers of computer-generated configurations of for this artist the celebration of the weed includes
has made it possible to scan my detailed ballpoint pen cracks and in particular the glaze fault crazing, applied its psycho-active effects, stimulating the creative
drawings to create digitally printed ceramic transfers for as a reimagined ‘yobitsugi’ fragment (one of many imagination. Martin Booth, in his book, Cannabis a
firing onto carved slip cast and glazed shards, including ‘kintsugi’ manifestations – yobi = patched / tsugi = history (2003:14), states: "Visual sensitivity increases,
a projected animation of the renderings onto an upscale joining) onto the fragment of a broken platter, the slip patterns may appear with enhanced peripheral vision
CNC-machined shard. The applied digitally printed cast shard. The waterslide transfer application involves and raised visual imagery". This series of transferware
ceramic transfers and projected animation reference a haptic design process, building each composition also draws inspiration from William Blakes advocacy of Figure 2.
Red ballpoint pen drawing of a Cannabis Bud (A2 size).
traditional ceramic surface decoration and recent organically by hand. These two applied decorative art practice inspired and informed by ones imagination. Towards digitally printed Ceramic Transfers.
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