Page 142 - Situated_Making_Catalogue
P. 142

Projected Animation

          Digitally enhanced ballpoint pen drawings animated and projected onto    Continuing my investigation into drawing and ceramics; pioneering digital solutions,   its own, the animated projection of my drawings is
          an upscale shard.                                   I am once again teamed up with Lukasz Pater, to produce an animated projection   both captivating and mesmerising, a true reflection
                                                              of my latest ballpoint pen drawings onto a very large upscale ceramic shard (a   of what is referred to as the digital handmade.
          A collaboration between Eugene Hön and Lukasz Pater, animator and lecturer   fragment of a traditional ceramic platter), exploring the above concept of fragmented   Mr Pater's contribution comprises an
          in Multimedia including Dominic Hobbs, Masters Student in Graphic Design.
                                                              fragments and fractals. We successfully developed the first projected animation of   interpretation of the ballpoint pen drawings and
          Made possible with the following expertise:         its kind in 2009, titled: and the ship sails on… It was exhibited at the 2014 Ceramic   digitally enhanced fractals, as a series  of dynamic
          Dan Carstens — CNC files & machining.               Biennale in Taiwan.                                                motion  graphics that  animate across  the surface

          With financial support of the FRC and URC.              The latest work was exhibited adjacent to the handcrafted and fired ceramic   of the shard, an interface between physical and
                                                              shards on the lower ground of the FADA Gallery, presented as a separate ceramic   digital media. The projected animation explores
                                                              installation. The animated projection consists of digitally enhanced ballpoint pen   the notion of fragility and impermanence, closely
                                                              drawings, animated and projected onto an upscale CNC-machined polymer shard.   associated with the cracks of the fragmented
                                                                  Lukasz Pater worked with Dominic Hobbs (designer of the range of fractals   ceramic fragments and the fractals in the surface
                                                              used in the transferware series) to capture and soundtrack an interpretation of the   development of the transferware. Animation is by
                                                              fractals in an abstract animated motion sequence. It is particularly this aspect of   nature  fleeting,  comprised  of  a  multitude  of  still
                                                              the projection that gives the work its unique, innovative and creative qualities. The   images that move past the viewer in such quick
                                                              mercurial,  oscillating  fractals  owe  their  three dimensionality  to the  meticulously   succession that they are each presented for the
                                                              rendered large-scale ballpoint pen drawings, supported by the 4K high resolution   briefest instance before being replaced by the frames
                                                              projection and its mapped motion gliding over the undulated shape of the upscale   that follow. Like all performances, animation exists in
                                                              shard. The animated projection permeates the shard, elevated up close to the   a moment in time and is always in flux, never fixed
                                                              viewer on a plinth and transforming it into a luminous light source. The fractal   and frozen. Mr Hobb's contribution involves creating
                                                              patterns appear to be floating in space within the glowing shard, further enhancing   an accompanying sonic palette to the animation
                                                              the three dimensionality of the fractals in motion. It was precisely this opportunity, to   sequence, complimenting the abstract nature of the
                                                              again explore the potential for animated ceramic installations, that kindled a desire   visuals with a loosely evolving ambient soundscape
                                                              to collaborate and bring the ceramic surface decoration to life through a motion   that predominantly uses electronic music synthesis
                                                              driven surface solution. Inspired by the ceramic transferware but taking on a life of   and field-recordings of nature to imagine the scene.

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