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Artist's Curriculum Vitae  Exhibition

 personal information
 Alison Kearney obtained a Diploma in Fine Art from the Johannesburg Art Foundation in   Alison has participated in numerous group exhibitions in South Africa, America, Switzerland and
 1997, before completing a BA Fine Art at Wits in 2002. She graduated from Wits University   Australia, and has participated in artist’s residencies in Basel and Melbourne. She has curated
 with a Master’s in Fine Art (Cum Laude) in 2002, and obtained her PhD, titled Beyond the   exhibitions at Wits Art Museum, Museum Africa and the KZNSA Gallery, as well as published
 Readymade: Found Objects in Contemporary South African Art, from Wits University in   scholarly work on contemporary South African art and developed education materials for engaging
 2016. She completed her Masters degree in Fine Art at Wits in 2004, and a B.A. Fine Art   with art for Wits Art Museum. Since 2019 Alison has served as the President of the South African
 (Wits) in 2002, (both with distinction). She has received several awards, including being an   Arts Historians Association, and in 2022 was nominated as Chair of the Editorial Board for the
 MTN New Contemporaries Finalist (2003), and recipient of The Standard Bank Art History   accredited journal, de arte..
 Prize (2002) and The Friends of the Johannesburg Art Gallery Award (2002). Since 2022
 Alison is an Associate Professor in Art History and Theory, in the Department of Visual  exhibitions & awards
 Arts, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Johannesburg. Before taking   Recent group exhibitions include  TenX10: 100 Women and Gender Diverse Artists at
 up her professorship, she taught visual art, art history and art education at University level   Wits Art Museum, March—August 2022; ‘Monument for the Unheroic’ (2022) exhibited on
 for over 16 years.    Romancing the Stone curated by Ann-Marie Tully, Annemi Conradie-Chetty, Rachel Baasch,
    and Alison Kearney, with assistance from Rina de Klerk, held at the KZNSA, September—
 artist’s biography  October 2022; and ‘Toxic Cumulation’ (2022) exhibited on Cloud Matters, a group exhibition
 Alison Kearney is an accomplished artist and scholar of South African art, with a multi-  curated by Nokukhanya S. Khumalo, Liam Rothballer and Annemi Conradie-Chetty, North West
 disciplinary research praxis that includes making artworks that critically engage with the   University, November 2022. Notable solo exhibitions include Offerings, at the Goodman Gallery,
 discourses and institutions of art, and conducting research on modernist and contemporary   Johannesburg,  January—  February  2008  and  Originalkopien  (Authentic  Replicas),  a  one-
 African artworks that challenge inherited, western discourses of art. These interests inform   person installation at The Skulpturhalle, Basel, Switzerland, September 2004.). Alison Kearney’s
 the educational work that she does in diverse learning contexts with university students,   work is in the Wits Art Museum and the SASOL art collections.
 art museum visitors and arts professionals.

 alison kearney  artist and academic —
 w:  i:

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