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Artist's Curriculum Vitae                                                                                              Exhibition

          personal information                                awards
          Marc Edwards was born in 1958 in Pretoria and works as an artist and educator in   Awards include: Daimler Chrysler Award for contemporary South
          Johannesburg.  He  is  currently  a  Senior  Lecturer  in  Multimedia  in  the  Faculty  of  Art,   African Art, nomination, Cape Town, 2000; FNB Vita Art Now,
          Design and Architecture at the University of Johannesburg where he has taught in the   Johannesburg Art Gallery, 1996; FNB Vita Art Now, Johannesburg
          visual and digital arts since 1984. He graduated with a Master of Arts in Digital Arts   Art Gallery, 1995; FNB Vita Art Now, Johannesburg Art Gallery, 1994;
          from the University of the Witwatersrand in 2010, and with a National Higher Diploma in   IGI Vita Art Now, Johannesburg Art Gallery, 1993; Fulton Concrete
          Sculpture from Pretoria Technikon in 1982.          Award, 1993; Momentum Award, Pretoria Art Museum, 1993;
                                                              Volkskas Atelier Award, Durban, 1992; Kempton Park Council
                                                              Art Awards, 1992; PPC Young Sculptor Award, 1992; Haggi New
          collections                                         Visions Award, Market Galleries, 1985; New Signatures, Sculpture
          Gencor/SOUTH32 Collection, Johannesburg Art Gallery Collection, Tshwane University   award, SAAA, 1981; New Signatures, Sculpture award, SAAA, 1980;
          of Technology Collection, University of the Witwatersrand Collection and the University   and New Signatures, Painting award, SAAA, 1979.
          of Johannesburg Collection.

          Solo exhibitions include: Looking Around, in Interventions in Practice, FADA
          Gallery, University of Johannesburg , 2021; Drinking Water, Hazard Gallery
          (Johannesburg, 2017); Exposures, FADA Gallery, University of Johannesburg, 2012
          and Dada South, IZIKO, (Cape Town, 2010).

                                                              01 October – 03 November 2022.

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