Page 89 - Situated_Making_Catalogue
P. 89

Artist Statement

 The artwork Cabinets of Curiosities for the Postcolony   unique knowledge, how objects can help us   the process of writing a digital item to the blockchain”
 II: Tokens, Collections I-V (Tokens) follows on from my   understand this question and how we assign   through which “its immutable record of authenticity
 work Dead Living Things: A Cabinet of Curiosities in   value to such new knowledge. Working from   and ownership” is established (
 the Postcolony, which was shown in 2021 at the FADA   the premise that the existence of things IRL and in   learn/what-is-minting-nft). The conversion of a physical
 Staff Exhibition - Interventions in Practice. My intention   our minds are understood and expressed through   object into an NFT requires that the object be digitised,
 with the work, manipulation of found objects, and   naming  and  language,  I  present  five  collections  of   in this case into jpeg format, and assigned a unique
 creation of new objects, distinguishes Tokens from the   unique things, created through the combination of   identity number (ID) The act of digitising an object into
 2021 work – which presented a curated collection of   existing things, or manipulation of materials. I then   pixels, means that it can be endlessly reproduced
 found objects, without intervening into the nature of   name  these  things  with  pseudoscientific  names  in   online. Walter Benjamin in The Work of Art in the Age of
 the objects, which aimed to explore how a cabinet   Latin, loosely following scientific naming conventions.   Mechanical Reproduction (1935) pointed out how the
 of curiosities can be used to tell stories informed by   The  genus  name  refers  to  the dominant  colour or   reproduction of an original work of art by mechanical
 postcolonial theory that confront colonial narratives in   material of the object, and the species and variety   means, such as photography, robbed the artwork of
 the contemporary South African context.  names  are  derived  from  other  significant  features   its “aura” or uniqueness.  It is therefore ironic that
 Tokens  takes  the  form  of  five  entomology   of the objects. I include an x between the names   in the NFT marketplace the act of placing a digital
 cases, accompanied  by an artists’  book in leporello   to indicate that the object is a hybrid. Therefore,   copy of my original object, and assigning a unique
 form, which exist in real life (IRL), and a collection of   Rubisco x polypus, literally translated means pink   token ID to the copy, renders the copy unique. The
 51  non-fungible  tokens  (NFTs)  offered  for  sale  on   octopus. I have no knowledge of Latin and used   infinitely  reproducible  image  of  the  original,  with  its
 Opensea, an NFT marketplace. Each entomology case   Google translate to create the names, so there is a   accompanying ID, becomes the “original” work of art
 displays a collection of unique, handmade objects   high probability that the names may not mean what I   which accrues value in the digital space, whereas the
 which are documented in the artists’ book by way of   intended them to mean.  true original, the physical object IRL is of less value due
 51 photographs captioned with the object’s name.  To ensure that these objects can be viewed   to the absence of a token ID.
 With  Tokens I am interested in exploring   as new and unique I “minted” the objects as NFTs,
 what is considered the construction of new and   which explains the naming of the work. Minting “is

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