Page 6 - Moon Valley Leaflet Single Pg
P. 6

We look at what matters most – creating a better way of living.
 Bedroom                              We look at what matters most – creating a better way of living.
                                         It is something we have been doing successfully for the last 10
 The luxurious residences offer 3 options of either 1,
 The luxurious residences offer 3 options of either 1,   It is something we have been doing successfully for the last 10
                                         years, as developers, consultants and project managers.
 2 or 3 spacious bedrooms all ensuite with a large
 2 or 3 spacious bedrooms all ensuite with a large   years, as developers, consultants and project managers.
 shower, a balcony and a separate visitors cloak
 shower, a balcony and a separate visitors cloak
 room. The cozy and comfortable rooms also
 room. The cozy and comfortable rooms also   VAAL  Real  Estate  prides  itself  on  its  commitment  to  timely
                                         VAAL  Real  Estate  prides  itself  on  its  commitment  to  timely
 features in built wardrobes. The master bedroom
 features in built wardrobes. The master bedroom   deliveries,  impeccable  quality  and  business  integrity.  We  are
                                         deliveries,  impeccable  quality  and  business  integrity.  We  are
 incorporates a full-size sitting area combined with a
 incorporates a full-size sitting area combined with a
                                         dedicated to fostering a spirit of innovation. This spirit leads us
 serene view, all of which provide a restful, peaceful   dedicated to fostering a spirit of innovation. This spirit leads us
 serene view, all of which provide a restful, peaceful
                                         to develop a vision that meets the precise needs of residents in
 and habitable space.
 and habitable space.                 to develop a vision that meets the precise needs of residents in
                                      today’s  world  and  at  the  same  time  values  our  social  and
                                         today’s  world  and  at  the  same  time  values  our  social  and
                                      environmental responsibilities.
                                         environmental responsibilities.
                                      Wu Yi Plaza 2  Floor, Galana Road, Kilimani.
                                         Wu Yi Plaza 2  Floor, Galana Road, Kilimani.
                                         Tel: +254 725 111 444 / +254 790 554 433
 The Kitchen                          Tel: +254 725 111 444 / +254 790 554 433 
 The Kitchen
 The modern kitchen offers an exemplary, inviting
 The modern kitchen offers an exemplary, inviting
 and relaxed setting. From the shiny marble counter
 and relaxed setting. From the shiny marble counter
 tops, painted walls and glazed cabinets to the
 tops, painted walls and glazed cabinets to the
 magni cent view, all arranged, this modern styled
 magni cent view, all arranged, this modern styled
 kitchen design creates the perfect environment for
 kitchen design creates the perfect environment for
 all who desire a spacious and equipped kitchen.
 all who desire a spacious and equipped kitchen.
 Living room                                   Gem Ln Gem Ln  Dalbit Petroleum                                    Migori Rd
 Living room
                                                            Dalbit Petroleum
 Mandera Rd
 The Inviting, spacious cozy space exude a   Mandera Rd                                                              Migori Rd
 The Inviting, spacious cozy space exude a
                                                              Mandera Rd
 spectacular ambiance. The Bay windows shed        Tulips Tulips  Mandera Rd  Mandera Rd
 spectacular ambiance. The Bay windows shed
                 Family Media
 natural light to the spacious room. The  oor   Family Media                    Mandera Rd
 natural light to the spacious room. The  oor
                              Save the Children Fund
  nishing is modern and of high quality with cable   Mandera Rd  Save the Children Fund  Kileleshwa
  nishing is modern and of high quality with cable
                                                                             police station
                                             Mandera Rd
 TV and internet ready ports. A perfect setting to   Mandera Rd                 police station                    Migori Rd  Migori Rd
 TV and internet ready ports. A perfect setting to
            Mandera Rd
 entertain your guest and make them feel at home...
 entertain your guest and make them feel at home...
 They may never want to leave!
 They may never want to leave!
                           Mandera Rd                  Kandara Rd               Kandara Rd       Gichugu Rd  Gichugu Rd  Kasuku
                                                         Kandara Rd
                              Mandera Rd
                                                                                   Kandara Rd
                                       Ole Kejuodo Road/
                                          Ole Kejuodo Road/
                                    Corner Primary School
                                       Corner Primary School
            Mandera Rd
               Mandera Rd
                                   Kandara Rd          Ole Kejuado Rd  Primary School
                                      Kandara Rd
                                                                   Primary School
                                                          Ole Kejuado Rd
                                              DEVEL OPER
                                                 DEVEL OPER
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