Page 5 - In Force Sring 2018
P. 5
Nad Ikram (far right) with the East Midlands Region delegates.
women and the most common places Motion 20 - Bullying of black workers in
where discrimination is experienced are the workplace
airports and on public transport. Hate Black workers are reluctant to use the
crime is not, and never will be, acceptable in employers’ policies put in place to protect
Britain, however, it is important that them and fear the ramifications as a result
The Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor mechanisms exist for accurately recording of reporting instances of bullying and
Malcolm Kennedy, shows his membership anti-Sikh hate crimes in order to effectively discrimination. It was disheartening to hear
card. challenge them as well as providing delegates who had been victims of bullying.
All black workers should be supported, support for the victims and their families. UNISON is working with regional black
enabled and valued to progress into senior Motion 19 - Mental health and members’ committees in producing
positions to reflect the workforce, employment guidance on how to reduce the bullying of
communities and society we work and live Certain employers are failing in their duty black workers in the workplace.
within. If we are to eliminate of care towards staff with mental health Racism is not history
marginalisation in the workforce, we need issues. Black staff with mental health issues Race and racism are difficult to talk about,
to remove the barriers that black workers are not malingerers, faking it or simply and too often it is easy people to shy away
encounter in accessing these opportunities. seeking attention. They have a genuine from reality. Racism is not history, it is still
Motion 16 - Under reporting of hate crime illness which can be difficult to identify, with us today, in fact, it is on the rise.
against Sikhs treat and manage. UNISON will continue to fight for
UNISON members of the Sikh faith revealed Delegates spoke about their mental fairness and equality in the workplace and
the under-reporting of anti-Sikh hate health illness and how they were treated beyond. Challenging discrimination and
crimes. In recent years, Sikhs have been less favourably. Managers and staff should winning equality is at the heart of
susceptible to attacks, in particular due to show greater tolerance and patience everything UNISON does. Equality
their distinct identity in the form of the towards staff with mental health issues. legislation is fundamental, and provides
Dastar (turban) or other religious UNISON is continuously working to trade unions with a way of holding
iconography. promote greater awareness of mental employers to account. Equality can only
In some cases, Sikhs are the victims of health issues among employers and become a reality in our workplaces if we
hate crimes where the perpetrators are in management through the various activities organise. Never forget we are “Stronger
fact motivated by Islamophobia. There were and research health packs available to together”.
fears British Sikhs have been invisible to the activists.
Government since 9/11 despite increased
levels of discrimination and hate crimes,
with the political elite failing to properly WE ARE NOT JUST THE BIGGEST UNION IN THE COUNTRY BUT PAGE 5
represent British Sikhs and the issues that “ BY FAR THE BEST UNION. A MEMBER-LED UNION WITH
concern them.
Sikh men are more vulnerable than MEMBERS AT ITS HEART.