Page 15 - 20161207 TOG Master Plan Vision
P. 15


        •  Recognize Gypsum as a
            permanent community with

            industry and commerce to support
            a healthy longterm, year round


        •  Promote a centrally located Town

            core at “Main and Main” (Valley

            Road and Highway 6.

        •  Build a network of safe, visible

            pedestrian links between the
            neighborhoods/districts, the Eagle

            River, Gypsum Creek and regional
            bike trails.

        •  Create a cohesive local identity

            from the I-70 interchange and
            eastern gateway connecting into
            the Town core.

        •  Improve wayfinding signage and

            vehicular connections.

        •  Explore future locations for

            a community center that is

            centrally located with potential for
            pedestrian access.

                                                                                    TOWN OF GYPSUM              MASTER PLAN VISION                                       OVERALL GOALS                                12.07.2016   |   15

                                                                                                                                                                GYPSUM’S DNA - PLAN
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