Page 6 - 20161207 TOG Master Plan Vision
P. 6

Gypsum. An intimate small mountain town

              that embraces its casual style, its hometown

              feel, and its community. A community of gritty,

              independent, do the impossible, real working

              people. A community of permanence where

              family and friends want to establish roots,

              create memories, and celebrate life. These

              qualities have been instilled and inspired by

              the convergence of Gypsum’s longstanding

              hard working ranching heritage and industrial

              commerce. Gypsum doesn’t shy away from

              either. Instead it embraces them both, making

              these qualities an integral part of its spirit, its

              attitude, its DNA: INDUSTRIAL RANCH.

              It is authentic. It is real Colorado.

              THIS IS


                                                                                    TOWN OF GYPSUM              MASTER PLAN VISION                                         GYPSUM’S DNA                               12.07.2016   |    6
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