Page 13 - Hensler Surgical - Biosciences COVID Rapid Testing Proposal - Customer 5_2020
P. 13

Where is the patient assessed?

                                 In office                          Telehealth* or telephone                Virtual check-in or online visit
          ....                          Established                                                                          Established
          C            New patient                       New patient           Established patient          New patient
          GI                              patient                                                                              patient
          "'              99201             99212           99201*            E/M:          Telephone:          N/A              99421
          "'              99202            99213            99202*           99212*            99441                            (5-I0mlnJ
                          99203            99214            99203*        (ryplcal rime 1 o min.)   (5-I0mln.)                 (11-20 min.)
                                                                             99213*            99442
                          99204            99215            99204*        (typical Ume 15 min.)   (11-20min.)                    99423
                          99205                             99205*           99214*            99443                           /21-30min.)
                                                                          /typical rime 25 min.)   /21-30mh)                    G2010
                                                                                                                               Remore images
                                                                          /ryplcal rime 40 min.)                                G2012
                                                                                                                               Virtual check-in
                                                             Where is the swab collected?

                            During E/M in-person visit        Go to office or group practice's testing     Go to independent testing site
                                                                           site for swab
                                       N/A                                     99211                                   99001
                                    (included In E/M)                        (separate day/                          /Reported by sire/
                                                                         /if code requiremenrs are mer)
         ....                                                Where is the test performed?
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         >a                                                               (Reporred by laborarory/
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                • =  oe ti  c  r� ..-. I p,1)' 11 1  heil1r�  1t  ,tfKt>"  t  •  HY' not   l. -• ,u1it  t0 •r<u•e- p ,, ,el ••;0n,:;h r   Information provided by the American Medical Association does not dictate payer reimbursement policy, and does not substitute for the
                CMS requires use of modifier 95 for telehealth services; other payors may require its use   professional Judgement of the practitioner performing a procedure, who remains responsible for correct coding,
                lndMdual stares (through Executive Order) 0t payors may permit use o/ E/M codes with audio-only encounte<�   Disclaimer: Information provided by the AMA contained within this Guk:te is for medical coding guidance purposes onty. It does not (i)
                                                                                   supersede or reP'ace the AJv4.A's Currtnt Procedural Termlnok> manual \CPT Manuali or other coding authority, (iQ constitute clinkal advke,
                                                                                   ftli) address or dictate payer coverage or reimbursement policy, and {Iv) substitute for the professlonal judgement of the praetitioner performing
                CMS will pe<mlt reporting of telehealth E/M office or other outpatient visits based on time or Medical Decision Making (MDM}.   a procedure, who remains responstble for correct coding,
                CMS will allow telehealth office visits to be selected and documented based on total time on date of visit via CMS total time.
                CPT C Copyright 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. AMA and CPT are registered trademarks or the American Medical Association. To learn more about CPT licensing c c <  ,
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