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       KG 			1-	Instructions	for	Use

       INDICATION FOR USE                               WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS
                                                        •  It  is  important  to  read  the  Device  Instructions  for  Use  prior  to
       The KG  1 is intended to be used for the delivery of hydrated
       allograft or autograft to an orthopedic surgical site.   operation.
                                                        •  Use the Device prior to the ‘Use By” Date noted on the package
       DEVICE DESCRIPTION                                 label.                                         CAUTION
       The KG  1 is comprised of a 21.0 cm length rectangular syringe  •  Before use, inspect the Device and packaging to verify that no  •  Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order
       barrel  for  surgical  site  access  and  graft  material  delivery;  a   damage has occurred as a result of shipping and handling.  Do   of a physician.
       compatible syringe plunger for pushing the bone graft material into   not use damaged products.   •  Sterilized with ethylene oxide gas.
       the operative site; and, an attachable funnel reservoir for loading  •  Medical  professionals using the Device should be familiar with  •  Do not use if package is opened or damaged.
       prepared material.   The barrel has an 8.0 mm by 12.0 mm closed-  the  physiology  and  pathology  of  the  selected  anatomy  and  be  •  Reuse can result in patient injury through infection.
       end tapered distal shaft with a pair of longitudinal bilateral ejection   properly trained in the use of the Device.
       holes at the distal end for material effusion into the surgical space.   •  The system should be used aseptically according to the surgical  PREPARATION AND USE OF THE DEVICE
       The  barrel  can  be  partially  filled  with  2.0  to  3.0  cc  of  flowable   technique.        1.  The Device is packaged with plunger inserted in the cannula,
       material and refilled as needed in-situ using the attachable funnel.        •  The system components are not intended for fluid injection into   ready to be inserted into the prepared, distracted disk space.
                                                          the circulatory system.                          Inspect the package prior to use.
       KG  1                                            •  Do not over-fill or attempt to pressurize the bony defect site, as  2.  Remove from the sterile package, inspect and handle the
                                                          this may lead to extrusion of the graft material beyond the site of   Device components in accordance with aseptic techniques and
                                                          its intended application and damage to the surrounding tissues.   per orthopedic surgical practice.
                                                        •  Prior  to  use,  confirm  visual  evaluation  of  the  targeted  site  for   3.  Distract the disk space with wedge dilators per the cage
                                                          bone graft delivery.                             manufacturers protocol.  Maintain the distraction with
                                                        •  When used for bone graft delivery ancillary to spinal fusion, the   provisional contralateral pedicle screw fixation.
                                                          disk  space  should  be  distracted  with  wedge  dilators  per  the   Attention:  A minimum of 8mm of distraction is necessary
                                                          instrumentation or implant cage manufacturer’s instructions.  A   to safely use the device.

                                                          minimum of 8.0 mm of distraction is recommended for use of the   4.  Try a sample of the graft material with the KG  1 to ensure
                                                          Device.                                          flowability.
                                                        •  Use only manual power when using the Device.  Do not mallet.    5.  Insert the plunger/stylet into the empty cannula without the
                                                          Never use electric power (or any other alternative power sources   funnel and insert the complex into the disk space.  Remove the
                                                          or instruments) in conjunction with the Device.   stylet and attach the funnel.
                                                        •  The Device is intended for single use only.  Do not re-sterilize   6.  Apply the graft material with thumb and finger pressure into the
                                                          and/or reuse.                                    cannula.  Push the plunger all the way down to expel the
                                                                                                           graft material. If the disk space does not vent the air out of
       Device Barrel, Plunger, Funnel         Device Assembly   HOW SUPPLIED                               the disk, remove the cannula and increase the size of the
                                                                                                           annulotomy.  Apply 2-3 ml of graft with each pass of the
                                                        Sterilization                                      plunger. You will feel resistance of flow when the disk space
                                                        The KG  1 is supplied sterile in a peel-open package. In the event   has filled up.  Tapping on the plunger will expel residual graft,

                                                        of damage to the sterile packaging retain the contents and notify   avoid using a mallet.
                                                        the manufacturer.                                7.  Remove the stylet and funnel and directly observe the area

                                                        The KG  1 is packaged in double sterile barrier protective pouches   around the annulotomy/ cannula interface to confirm that graft

                                                        and  sterilized  by  Ethylene  Oxide,  confirmed  by  the  green   material has not overflowed.
                                                        sterilization indicator on the package.          8.  Remove cannula and insert cage per the manufacturer
                                                        STORAGE                                          9.  Discard the device with other disposables after single patient
                                        00010-IFU Rev 5   The instruments should be stored in their original shipping   use.
                                                        materials, in a cool dark place.  Proper care should be taken to   10. Continue with the surgical procedure and instrumentation where
                                                        ensure that the instruments will not be damaged.   indicated.

       Instructions for Use 113015     Manufactured for: Kleiner Device Labs :: 999 Driver Way :: Incline Village, NV 89451 :: Tel:  650 720 4766, ext 805.  Fax: 775.743.5418
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