Page 7 - PRP Booklet NP - 2019
P. 7
TECHnOLOGIES henslersu rgica
Cosmetic Rejuvenation
Now your patients can reduce
Hair Restoration Treatment
wrinkles and fine lines without
Because the platelets contain vital going through risky surgical
growth hormones. PRP injections procedures. Since PRP uses the
are naturally a good fit for patient's own blood to produce th«
stimulating lost hair follicles. The platelets, they are far safer than
platelets is injected through the other surgical and non-surgical
region that is thinning/balding procedures out there. PRP
which supplies the nutrients it procedure helps restore and
requires to continue growing a enhance skin regions that require
thicker, fuller and healthier hair volume, and improves its texture
strand. Although there are no large and tone considerably.
scale clinical studies on this, The treatment will leave the
preliminary evidence exposes PRP patient looking more youthful and
therapy as a good fit for hair rejuvenated.
(ph) 910.399.7380 (f) 910.399.7381 2420 South 17th Street, STEC Wilmington, NC 28401, USA