Page 18 - Amnio Breathe Hensler BioLabs 2020
P. 18

breath hold in expiration, pre- and post-therapy. Multiplanar reformatted images were
               generated and reviewed with both soft tissue and lung windows. 140 ml ULTRAVIST®
               370. Contrast Volume Discarded: 0 ml. BUN/Creatinine not required.

               Computed tomography findings were as follows:

               1) Pre-therapy: there was anterior bowing of the posterior membranous trachea
               consistent with expiration; there was significant respiratory motion artifact which likely
               represented difficulty with breath holding and/or mild respiratory distress; there was mild
               hyper expansion; evaluation of pulmonary vasculature was limited by respiratory motion
               artifact but grossly normal.

               2) Post-therapy: there was anterior bowing of the posterior membranous trachea
               consistent with expiration; there was minimal respiratory motion artifact present only at
               the lung bases; the lungs were normally expanded; there was normal pulmonary

               3) The thyroid appeared normal. Minimal normal residual thymus was demonstrated.
               There was no axillary, mediastinal, or hilar lymphadenopathy. The airways were patent.
               There was no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There were no
               pulmonary nodules. The cardiac silhouette was normal without pericardial effusion. The
               aorta was normal in size. There was normal three-vessel anatomy. The pulmonary
               artery was normal in size.

               4) Limited images through the upper abdomen demonstrated normal upper abdominal
               contents. Bone windows demonstrated no aggressive appearing osseous lesions. There
               was no scoliosis or spinal asymmetry. There were no vertebral body anomalies. The
               subcutaneous soft tissues appeared normal.

               Radiologist/Physician interpreted that mildly hyperexpanded lungs with significant
               respiratory motion artifact was consistent with difficulty breath holding and/or mild
               respiratory distress in the pre-therapy scans; and normally expanded lungs with only
               minimal respiratory motion artifact was consistent with significant response to therapy in
               the post-therapy scans.

               Four days after the treatment, D.S. reported that he had not had to use rescue inhaler
               since the initial visit. Furthermore, he did baseline running events without the need of
               bronchodilation pre- or post-events.

               TABLE 5 Summary for patient D. S. Time point Pre-treatment Pre-TX FEV1 2.61 2.83
               PEF 359 383 O2 Rest 98 98 O2 Exercise N/A Exercise time N/A CCQ N/A Dose

               Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same
               meanings as commonly understood by one of skill in the art to which the disclosed

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