Page 4 - Fluid Flow - Amnio Hensler 6_2020
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The medical literature
has demonstrated over
Are there risks in undergoing treatment? the last 100 years that
Obtaining pluripotent cells and regenerative using placental
material from amniotic uid has no ethical allografts promotes
or moral issues associated with its use. There healing of many of the
is no harm to the fetus, only the amniotic following conditions:
membrane and/or uid is used , which is
typically discarded if not used for Osteoarthritis
regenerative therapies.
Back Pain (Facet)
Ligament Injury
What is Fluid Flow™? Joint Pain
On Regenerative M
FAQ’sedicine Fluid Flow™ is an amniotic liquid allograft
derived from the amniotic uid within the -Hips
placenta. It is used by healthpractitioners
What is a Pluripotent Cell? to safely and eectively treat soft tissue pain -Knees
Pluripotent cells signal your body to and inammation, while promoting -Elbows
produce new cells to replace the injured regeneration of our bodies to their optimal
cells. We all have cells that are like a “blank health. -Shoulders
slate”, able to change into the needed cell Tennis Elbow
type with varying concentrations of growth
factors to become the needed cells to repair Plantar Fasciitis
an injury of our bone, muscle, tendon, or What is Human AmnioticFluid? Degenerative Disc Disease
other body part. Amniotic uid is abundant in growth factors
and cytokines associated with repair,
How many treatments will I need? replacement, and regeneration of soft tissue.
Many patents with inammation and pain When injected into the body, these growth
experience signicant improvement after a factors and cytokines have been shown to
single treatment. promote healing and pain management.