Page 5 - Hensler Bone Press - SPINAL EDITION 2020
P. 5

HENSLER BONE PRESS             ™     Quick Reference Guide

                                                                              Step 2        Press and Staging
                   Step 1  Collection Of Autograft
                                                                                            Of Autograft

        Components:              1. Attach elbow to 3' tubing and  Components:           1.  Assembled on Back table
      - Collection top l            collection top.              - Press top,%            %

      - Container m                                              - Container m                      DD NOT
                                                                                                    attach container.
      - 3' Tubing  @,               {:"�                         - Extra suction
                                            ached container
      - Towel clamp  �                                            tubing     �              m Set aside for
                                                                                                  transfer/switch with
                                                                                                  a full container of bone
      - El bow connector IF'        If using our 6' custom tubing,                                & blood
                                      trim to desired length.

                      2. Methods of attachment

                              choose one
            Surgical table                      Drape
            attachment                        attachment

                           Slictiontip   To wall                                                          To surgical field
                                                                      full harvest.  0
                      //1          suction,f  117                     Canta iner to be
                                                                      exchanged with
                                   �II    �
                                                 Clip drape
                                                 around elbow
                       To surgical field
                                    >---- Patient draped ------                    Back sur'gical table

             KEY OPERATIONAL TIPS                                      KEY OPERATIONAL TIPS

            ) Fold Mayo towel around elbow. Use a towel clip          ) Processing a new harvest, attach to press and process
              to secure.                                                within minutes. Coagulation doesn't slow down.:)
            ) Ensure suction is ON.                                   ) Ensure suction is on prior to press.

            ) NOT necessary to unsecure from the Mayo for the         ) Press 2-3 times when held or holding upside down.
              entirety of the case.                                     Don't be shy.

            ) Monitor filling container. If collecting but NOT        ) Top off harvest with irrigation prior to press, if able
              planning to harvest, tip over while hanging to            to.  Add after if harvest is thick. If high blood content.
              empty PRIOR to collecting a new harvest.

            ) Switch out containers when full or between drilled
              decompressions. LEAVE SECURED TO THE MAYO.
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