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Eur Spine J (2011) 20:1791-1795

                        DOI 10.1007/s00586- 0 l l - 1736-3

                           ORIGINAL ARTICLE

                        Autografts for spinal fusion:  osteogenic potential of laminectomy

                        bone chips and bone shavings collected via high speed drill

                        Claudia Eder• Albert Chavanne • Jochen Meissner•

                        Wolfgang Bretschneider · Alexander Tuschel ·

                        Philipp Becker · Michael Ogon

                        Received: 11 February 2011 / Revised: 16 February 2011 / Accepted: 19 February 2011 /Published online: 6 March 2011

                        © Springer-Verlag 2011

                        Abstract  In case of revision or minimal invasive spinal                                                             obtained  from  laminectomy  bone  chips  are  superior  in

                        surgery, the amount of  autograft possibly harvested  from                                                          terms of cell deli very, cell proliferation and mineralization.

                        the lamina and the spinous processes is limited. Ekanayake

                        and Shad (Acta Neurochir 152:651-653, 2010) suggest the                                                             Keywords  Spinal fusion • Bone graft •

                        application of bone shavings harvested via high speed burr                                                           Osteoregeneration · Bone chips · High speed burr

                        additionally or instead, but so  far no  data  regarding  their

                        osteogenic potential  exist. Aim  of the study was to  com­

                        pare the osteogenic potential of bone chips and high speed                                                          Introduction

                        burr  shavings,  and  to  evaluate  the  applicability  of  bone

                        shavings as an autograft for spinal fusion. Bone chips and                                                          I n   order to  achieve a  solid  spinal  fusion, the PASS prin­

                        shavings from  14  patients  undergoing  spinal  decompres­                                                         ciples  (Primary wound  closure/ Angiogenesis/Space/Stabi­

                        sion  surgery  were analyzed  using  in  vitro  tissue  culture                                                     lity) for predictable bone regeneration must be addressed

                        methods. Osteoblast emigration and proliferation, viability                                                          [l]:  primary  wound  closure  i s   required  to  ensure  undis­

                        and  mineralization  were  investigated  and  histological                                                          turbed  healing.  Angiogenesis  must  take  place  t o   allow

                        evaluation  was  performed.  Bone  chips  from  all  patients                                                       connection to the blood supply and attract undifferentiated

                        showed  successful  osteoblast  emigration  after  average                                                          mesenchymal  stem  cells  to  initiate  bone  regeneration.

                        5.5 days. In contrast, only 57% of the corresponding bone                                                            Space must be maintained or created i n   order to facilitate

                        shavings successfully  demonstrated osteoblast emigration                                                            osteoblast ingrowth. Stability must be  ensured  to allow  a

                        within an average time span of 14.8 days. Average osteo­                                                            blood clot  formation  maintaining growth  factors  relevant

                        blast  mobilisation  was  1.25 x  10 cells  per  gram  from                                                         for  cell  differentiation  at  the  fusion  site.  For  all  those
                        bone chips and  1.73  x 1 0                      5  cells per gram from  the corre­                                 reasons, stand alone bone grafts or bone grafts combined

                        sponding  bone  shavings.  No  difference  was  observed                                                             with  fusion  cages  are  used  to  promote bone  healing and

                        regarding cell viability, but population  doubling  times of                                                         prevent pseudarthrosis formation.

                        bone chip cultures were significantly lower (50.5 vs. 121 h)                                                             Cancellous bone taken from the iliac crest is still con­

                        and  mineralization  was  observed  in  osteoblasts  derived                                                         sidered a standard in spinal fusion, but is associated with

                        from bone chips only. Although some authors suggest the                                                             complications  in  up  to  20%  [2]:  complications  include

                        general  applicability  of  laminectomy  bone  shavings  as                                                         hematoma formation, neurological injuries and infection as

                        autografts  for  spinal  fusion,  autologous  bone  grafts                                                           well a s   acute and chronic pain. Studies report the incidence

                                                                                                                                             o f   chronic  donor  site  pain  for  more  than  2 years  after

                                                                                                                                             surgery in 31 %  of  the patients  concerned [3].  Additional

                        C. Eder (121) • A. Chavanne  • J. Meissner  • W. Bretschneider  •                                                    operating time  and preparation i s   required,  a n d   bone har­

                        A. Tuschel · P. Becker · M.  Ogon                                                                                    vesting may be insufficient [11, 12] Allograft bone is most

                        3rd Orthopedic Department,                                                                                          frequently  used  as  alternative,  but  lack  of  osteogenicity

                        Orthopedic Hospital  Vienna-Speising,

                        Speisinger Str. 109, 1130 Vienna, Austria                                                                           may decrease osteoinductance and increase infection rates

                        e-mail:                                                                                          [4]. Various types of synthetic bone grafts are rushing into

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      � Springer
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