Page 2 - Hensler Full Product Portfolio - 2019 ALL Final
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2018 Surgical Product Portfolio
Autografting Harvesting Technologies
Hensler Bone Press·,·.-. - High-Yield 1\1ulti-Use Universal Autologous Graft I 1\1arrow Harvester.
J Spinal Edition Sterile 2-Stage Autograft Harvesting kit
J Orthopedic Edition Sterile 2-Stage Cancellous bone and Marrow Harvesting Kit.
Hensler Bone Collector' · " Quick clearing device designeci for Autologous Bone Chip Harvesting.
Corex Iliac Crest Autograft Harvester - Iliac Crest Single-Use Innovative MIS Autograft Harvester.
Autograft Deployment I Assistive Technology SYNERGISTIC DEVICES
KG-1 Autograft Delivery Funnel - Bi-ported drilled Autograft Device w/ the Hensler Bone Press'"
Aqualine SID"' Suction/ Irrigation Device - Innovative Single-Use device offering an All-in-One
solutiori for irrigation ancl suction.
Electrosurgical Technologies
Hensler Non-stick Bipolars - Premier Single-Use Uber robust bayonetted forceps, Bayonetted.
Dreal Irrigation/Suction Device - Single-Use precision MIS foraminal and central drilled decompression.
Endoscopic Surgical Technologies
Safeview Endoscopic Soft Tissue Release Syste1n - Lowest Profile Canula w/ Forward cutting blade
Kyphoplasty: Uni I Bi-Pedicular Kyphoplasty Systems
Zvplasty'''" kyphoplasty Kits. 15mm and 2orrim balloon Kyphoplasty Bone Cement System w! mixer.
Amniotic I Allograft Technologies
Amniotic Patches and Allograft Line - FULL line oj.Allogenics, both Viable and Non-Viable) & Amniotic
Patches w/ (Great Reimbursement)
ConCelltrate 100 - Histologicallu carries all 5 elements of bone fusion and 100% derived from human bone.
PRP Sterile Kit - Single-use versatile PRP system for safe, effective and FAST Platelet-Rich Plasma Extraction.
(ph) 910.399.7380 (f) 910.399.7381 2420 South 17th Street, STEC Wilmington, NC 28401, USA