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antibody-negative samples without HIV (for this, a confidence interval for the difference in false positive   Albumin   5 g/dL
                 rates was calculated per a score method described by Altman). The results and data analysis are shown in
                 the Tables 5 and 6 below.                                                 Anticoagulants
                                                                                           EDTA (sodium salt)                 3.4 µmol/L
                                          Table 5. Summary Results                         Abnormal blood sample
                      Assure COVID-19             Comparator Method
                      IgG/IgM Rapid Test   Positive    Negative    Negative,   Total       Visual hemolysis (Hemoglobin)      20 g/dL
                          Device         (IgM/IgG) +   (IgM/IgG) -   HIV+                  Icteric (Bilirubin)                5 mg/dL
                    Positive   IgM+/IgG+    27            0           0        27          Lipemic (Triglycerides)            500 mg/dL
                             IgM+, IgG-     3             1           0        4           Common medicines
                             IgM-, IgG+     0             0           0        0
                    Negative   IgM-/IgG-    0             69          10       79          Acetylsalicylic acid               3.62 mmol/L
                    Total (n=110)           30            70          10       110         Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)          342 µmol/L
                                                                                           Amoxicillin                        206 µmol/L
                                         Table 6. Summary Statistics                       Fluconazole                        245 µmol/L
                           Measure                Estimate         Confidence Interval     Ibuprofen                          2425 µmol/L
                       IgM+ Sensitivity (PPA)    (30/30) 100%        (88.7%; 100%)         Loratadine                         0.78 µmol/L
                       IgM- Specificity (NPA)    (79/80) 98.8%       (93.3%; 98.8%)        Nadolol                            3.88 µmol/L
                       IgG+ Sensitivity (PPA)    (27/30) 90.0%       (74.4%; 96.5%)        Naproxen                           2170 µmol/L
                       IgG- Specificity (NPA)    (80/80)100%         (95.4%; 100%)
                       Combined Sensitivity      (30/30) 100%        (88.7%; 100%)         Paroxetine                         3.04 µmol/L
                       Combined Specificity      (79/80) 98.8%       (93.3%; 98.8%)        Anti-malarial medicines
                   Combined PPV for prevalence = 5%   80.8%          (40.9%; 96%)          Quinine                            148 µmol/L
                    Combined NPV for prevalence =   100%             (99.4%; 100%)         Anti-tuberculosis medicines
                             5%                                                            Rifampicin                         78.1 µmol/L
                                                  (0/10) 0%
                      Cross-reactivity with HIV+                     -----------------     Isoniazid                          292 µmol/L
                                                 not detected                              Ethambutol                         58.7 µmol/L
                 Cross Reactivity                                                          Common consumables
                 There was no cross-reactivity with plasma specimens meeting the disease state shown below. No IgM or   Coffee (caffeine)   308 µmol/L
                 IgG false positive results were observed with the following potential cross-reactants:   Alcohol (ethanol)   86.8 mmol/L
                 Table 7. Cross-reactivity Study Data of Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device              LITERATURE REFERENCES
                                         Number of                         Number of
                   Conditions            samples     Conditions            samples        1.   Masters, P. S. & Perlman, S. in Fields Virology Vol. 2 (eds Knipe, D. M. & Howley, P. M.) 825–

                   Anti-HAV IgM +        5           Lyme disease+         5                   858 (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013).
                   Anti-HEV IgG +        2           P. falciparum +       5              2.   Su, S. et al. Epidemiology, genetic recombination, and pathogenesis of coronaviruses. Trends
                                                                                               Microbiol. 24, 490–502 (2016).
                   HBsAg +               5           P. vivax +            5              3.   Forni, D., Cagliani, R., Clerici, M. & Sironi, M. Molecular evolution of human coronavirus
                   Anti-HCV +            5           Toxoplasma IgM +      5              4.   genomes. Trends Microbiol. 25, 35–48 (2017).
                                                                                               Kan, B. et al. Molecular evolution analysis and geographic  investigation of severe acute
                   Anti-HIV +            5           HAMA +                1                   respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like virus in palm civets at an animal market and on farms. J.
                   Anti-Rubella IgM +    5           RF +                  5                   Virol. 79, 11892–11900 (2005).
                   Anti-CMV IgM +        5           ANA+                  5              5.   Ithete, N. L. et al. Close relative of human Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in bat,
                                                                                               South Africa. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 19, 1697–1699 (2013).
                   Anti-HSV-I IgM +      5           Anti-Influenza A IgM +   3           6.   “Interim Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines for Handling and Processing Specimens Associated
                   Anti-HSV-II IgM +     5           Anti-Influenza B IgM +   1                with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)”
                   EBV IgM +             4           Anti-RSV IgM +        3                   nCoV/lab/lab-biosafety-guidelines.html.
                                                                                                                 GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS
                   Anti-Dengue IgM +     5           Legionella pneumophila IgM+   2
                   Anti-Yellow fever +   5           Anti-Adenovirus IgM +   1              ρ   Catalog number           8   Temperature limitation
                                         5           Anti-Mycoplasma pneumonia   3          ι   Consult instructions for use    Λ   Batch code
                   Anti-Zika IgG +
                                                     IgM +                                  Ι   In vitro diagnostic medical device   ε   Use by
                                         5           Anti-Chlamydia  pneumonia  3           µ   Manufacturer             σ   Do not reuse
                   Chagas Ab+
                                                     IgM +
                                         4           Anti-Chlamydia  pneumonia  2         Distributed by:
                   Anti-Syphilis IgG +                                                    BioLab Sciences
                                                     IgG +
                   Anti-Tuberculosis +   5           Measles IgG +         1              13825 N. Northsight Blvd. #101
                                                                                          Scottsdale, AZ 85260
                   Typhoid IgM +         5           Mumps IgG +           1    
                 Interfering Substances
                 The assay performance of COVID-19 IgG/IgM  Rapid Test  Device  is not affected by  substances at
                 concentrations listed below.

                 Table 7. Interference Study Data of  Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid  Test
                   Interfering substances             Concentration of analyate
                   Blood analytes

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