Page 4 - Hensler Surgicasl Aqualine SID - 2018
P. 4

                                                                                          A L L IN  O N E  D E V ICE !
                                                                    IRRI G ATIO N

       E ASY TO US E !
          PUR G E
                                        INSTANT GRATIFICATION
          IRRI G AT E

                                            Get irrigation when you want it, where you want it.
                                            AQUALINE SID™ allows the surgeon to have increased
                                            control of the surgical wound/field by having irrigation at
                                            your ngertips.

                                            Surgeons no longer have to rely on their assistant to

                                            flood the surgical target. AQUALINE SID™  can deliver
                                            controlled volumes of irrigation significantly reducing the
                                            need to flood the field.

                                            AQUALINE SID™ allows the use of a closed loop system
                                            system direct from an IV bag.      This will provide a more sterile
                                            environment and reduce potential infection exposure by using
                                            a controlled source for sterile irrigation water. Avoid the splash
                                            basin on the back table!

                                            Be more focused and less interrupted during surgical
                                                                           will unload the burden of
                                            procedures. AQUALINE SID™
                                            clearing suction tip clogs during surgery so your surgical
                                            technician can keep busy with tasks pertinent to the surgery.

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