Page 14 - Hensler Surgical - Biosciences COVID Rapid Testing Proposal 4.24.2020 WEB
P. 14
Where is the patient assessed?
In office Telehealth* or telephone Virtual check-in or online visit
.... Established Established
C New patient New patient Established patient New patient
GI patient patient
"' 99201 99212 99201* E/M: Telephone: N/A 99421
GI 99202 99213 99202* 99212* 99441 (5-I0mlnJ
99203 99214 99203* (ryplcal rime 1 o min.) (5-I0mln.) (11-20 min.)
99213* 99442
99204 99215 99204* (typical Ume 15 min.) (11-20min.) 99423
99205 99205* 99214* 99443 /21-30min.)
/typical rime 25 min.) /21-30mh) G2010
Remore images
/ryplcal rime 40 min.) G2012
Virtual check-in
Where is the swab collected?
During E/M in-person visit Go to office or group practice's testing Go to independent testing site
site for swab
N/A 99211 99001
(included In E/M) (separate day/ /Reported by sire/
/if code requiremenrs are mer)
.... Where is the test performed?
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