Page 27 - HSP COVID Rapid Testing Booklet RV6
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Question: Is code 87635 required to be reported in   a laboratory is requested to test multiple separate
           conjunction with any of the other CPT test codes that   specimens for the same virus, on the same patient, on
           mention coronavirus, namely code 87631, 87632,       the same day, how should this be reported?             3
           87633, 0098U 0099U, or 0IO0U? Would they ever be
           used together?                                       Answer: Report code 87635, Infectious agent detec­
                                                                tion by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); severe acute
           Answer: Code 87635 does not require reporting of an   respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Co V-2)
           additional CPT code for this service. There are no   (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]), amplified probe
           known restrictions on the reporting of code 87635,   technique, and a second unit of code 87635,
           if performed as a separate assay, with code 87631,   appended with modifier 59, Distinct Procedural
           87632, 87633, 00980, 00990, or 01000. Codes          Service. Per CPT reporting guidelines for microbi­
           selected should accurately describe the ser-vice     ology codes, when separate assays are performed on
           provided.                                            multiple specimens, modifier 59 should be used to
                                                                indicate that the results represent the separate
           Question: In the "Interim Guidelines for Collecting,   services performed.
           Handling, and  Testing Clinical Specimens from
           Persons Under Investigation (PUis) for Coronavirus   Stay informed and updated with the AMA on the
           Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" published on March 9,       coronavirus COVID-19 by visiting the AMA web­
           2020, the CDC recommends collecting both naso­       site at
           pharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs from the upper    public-health/covid-19-2019-novel-coronavirus­
           respiratory system for initial diagnostic testing. If   resource-center-physicians.

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