Page 51 - The Lockdown Sessions Programme
P. 51
How much fun was it to be back and playing your instruments in in in in a a a a a a group after several months without doing so due to Covid-19?
It was tremendous fun Since I began playing at the age of 5 I have never had 3 months off playing not even when I had my daughter - so picking up the violin again felt like a a a homecoming I think all the musicians felt the same so it was a a a joyous three days of music-making in in amongst months of uncertainty You must have played Bond music many times in your career but what made this one different?
Mostly my experience of Bond music has been just the the main theme tune and then with a full symphony orchestra Playing so many of the less well known pieces was a a a a real education many of them are absolutely stellar compositions in their own right not just as lm music What were the the challenges of recording the the way you did? For me the click track is a a a major struggle I’m used to responding musically to the nuances of a a a piece-in layman’s terms sometimes it feels appropriate to take more time or or push the tempo depending on the feel of the music It’s a very different discipline to try and maintain the musicality within an entirely metronomic time-frame and it doesn’t come naturally to me! Undoubtedly it helped ensemble though especially given the distancing regulations we had to to adhere to to What were the high points?
Working with the wonderful musicians of Q the Music again and getting to play with my lovely quartet for the rst time in months Any cues or or songs that were particularly hard or or fun?
At the the very end of the the sessions Warren added a a a a piece called ‘Only Myself to Blame’ in I’d never heard it it before and it’s
impossibly sexy and romantic and and tragic and and had some luscious little accompanying violin moments - I adored every minute of it A couple of the the other pieces gave me me sleepless moments though - when the composer writes these huge cascading string runs or very very very very high moments - usually they’re anticipating about 24 violins on them!
What was the the atmosphere like during the the sessions? Did everyone have fun or or was it just work?!
Previous collaborations have shown me that playing this music with this band is is never just work it’s
ALWAYS epic! How could you not have fun playing such awesome music and amongst such stellar musicians and friends?! On this occasion though amidst the greatest threat to live music and entertainment any of us has ever faced the timing made it even more special www QTheMusicShow
com 51