Page 228 - English Vocabualry In Use 2 (Intermediate)
P. 228

Unit 49

                    49.1       1 latte, milkshake, hot chocolate, smoothie

                               2 bagel, panini, toastie, baguette, wrap
                               3 cupcake, muffin, waffle
                    49.2       2 cappuccino       3 croissants     4 decaf

                               5 milkshake       6 smoothie        7 vegetarian
                    49.3       2 e      3 a       4 c      5 d

                    49.4       2 large     3 panini        4 muffin       5 take away

                    49.5       Your own answers

                               Unit 50
                    50.1       Religious places are: temple, cathedral, mosque

                    50.2       2 sightseeing              4 packed                        6 lost                     8 go out

                               3 attractions/sights       5 explore/visit                 7 market
                    50.3       2 packed                   4 great/lovely time             6 guidebook                8 magnificent
                               3 plenty to do             5 worth seeing/visiting         7 monuments                9 look round

                    50.4       Your own answers

                               Unit 51

                    51.1       Any four of these: sunbathe, suntan, sunburn, sunscreen, sunblock, sun cream
                    51.2       2 c     3 e     4 a     5 f    6 b

                    51.3       2 sunbathing       3 surfing      4 diving      5 windsurfing

                    51.4       2 b     3 a     4 c     5 c     6 b
                    51.5       2 recommend                 4 protection/shade        6 stroll/walk              8 go for / have

                               3 risk                      5 breeze                   7 shade

                    51.6       Possible answers:

                               1 I go to seaside resorts in the south-west of England, and sometimes the south of France, or the coast
                                  of Spain near Barcelona. I usually go once or twice a year.
                               2 I go for a swim; that’s all.
                               3 No, I don’t like sunbathing. It’s boring and I get sunburn easily.
                               4 No, I don’t get a suntan easily and I have had sunburn in the past. I might use sunscreen on my face. I
                                  usually wear a T-shirt or sit in the shade if it is very hot.
                               5 I like to go for a drink and then have a meal.

                               Unit 52

                    52.1       Types of TV programme: documentary, soap opera, chat show, series

                    52.2       2 comes out /is published 4 Channel
                               3 regional                      5 celebrities /well-known

                    52.3       1 C E L E B R I T Y

                                       S E R I E S
                                   R E P O R T
                                       S O A P O P E R A
                                              D A I L Y
                                      6 D O C U M E N T A R Y
                                          N A T I O N A L
                                C H A T S H O W
                                       A R T I C L E

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