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Responsive Website Design
The World is Changing - Is Your Business Responsive?
What is a Responsive Website?
It is a website crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and
navigation without resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices. If
done correctly the site will look great and function seamlessly on mobile phones, tab-
lets, laptops and desktop computer monitors.
Why is a Responsive Website important?
Consumers today are searching for local business on all different sized devices. If a
prospective client enters your site and has difficulty reading your information or navi-
gating, they may leave the site and continue searching.
Where can I experience Responsive Websites?
Visit the ‘Responsive Website Design’ page on our site to view some of our recent
work. Since all of our website builds are responsive, simply open any of the sites and
then shrink and expand your browser to toggle between device views.
Website Related Services Provided:
Domain Name Graphic Design
A domain name for 2 years is included with Our designers build quality websites and can
any website purchased if you don’t already also assist you with creating or modifying
have a domain or want a new domain. Of your company logo, mailing pieces, flyers or
course we can use your existing domain name other ads if needed.
as well.
Web Design Log In Credentials
Custom crafted design aimed at accom- We can provide you with a user name, pass-
plishing your business goals. Our clients are word and instructions to log in to your website
welcomed to be involved in the design pro- if you would like to make changes yourself.
cess to ensure they are pleased with the
end result.
Optimization Hosting
Your site will be built properly to ensure it is Rest assured - once your site is designed to
search engine friendly. If the site is pur- your liking we can launch it live and host it on
chased in conjunction with a SEO program it our server for a low monthly fee. For a
will be optimized for your targeted key- slightly higher fee we will make any changes
words. needed after the site goes live.