Page 30 - Clubs and Societies 2020-21
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German Bundesliga Club
Come and show off your FIFA skills as you attempt to take your favourite German football club to Bundesliga glory.
Year Group(s): 8 (German Students)
German Culture Club
Learn about all elements of German culture including football, food, celebrations, music and famous figures from the German-speaking world.
Year Group(s): 9, 10, 11
Pupil Voice Steering Group
The Pupil Voice Steering Group as an elected group of pupils who meet to action points raised by boys to help make improvements around the school.
Year Group(s): All Year Groups
Quiz Club
Quiz Club welcomes all pupils with an interest in general knowledge. One aim is to establish Junior (U13) and Senior (U15/U18) teams to compete in the national Schools Challenge Competitions against other schools. More informally we have regular games within the group using buzzers or 'Kahoot'.
Year Group(s): All Year Groups
Role Playing Games Club
Hail and well met traveller! Does your spirit long for the feel of adventure and the thrill of battle while wading through your day like we do? Have you ever thought of going on a journey of epic proportions, slaying hordes of goblins and felling the mightiest of beasts? And do you wish to engage in chilling mysteries and solve enigmatic puzzles?
If so join RPG club, a group of dedicated players. We play Dungeons & Dragons, Legend of the Five Rings, and would happily try other RPGs proposed.
Year Group(s): 7, 8, 9, 10
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Other Clubs and Societies