Page 7 - Clubs and Societies 2020-21
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and Lembit Opik, as well as representatives of both the Israeli and Palestinian governments. Recent discussions have been led by, amongst others, Sir Patrick Cormack MP, Jeffrey Donaldson MP and George Galloway.
Year Group(s): 11, L6, U6 Scholars' Society
All first-year academic scholars are expected to attend this class. Any other boys are welcome. The class covers various 'stretch and challenge' tasks, some based around objects in the British Museum (with a visit in alternate years).
Year Group(s): 7
Spanish Debating Club
This is a club aimed at all A Level students of Spanish who want to build up their fluency and confidence in speaking. It is fun, there is no pressure to be excellent, and we lay on some snacks and something to drink! The students will be practising their A Level topics and any topical news items. They will also be developing debating skills with much support from staff. It is expected that most A Level Spanish students should attend, since it is highly beneficial to A Level performance. In the new A Level course speaking is worth 30%! It will also, of course, look great on a UCAS application and will provide something to talk about at interview.
Year Group(s): L6, U6
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