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taking that time to share my mother’s story and You’ve been with the Calgary Stampeders since You recently turned 30? Happy birthday! Where
how it affected me can have a profound impact 2011, and you’re celebrating your 100th career do you see yourself in the next 10 years in your
on someone going through the battle themselves. regular-season game. Congratulations—that’s a football career? Do you have any life goals you
It allowed my mother and I to become closer big milestone! What are some of your favourite wish to accomplish before 40?
and for me to understand her feelings more in memories with the team? Gracias, gracias. I did recently turn 30. In the next
depth. As for diabetes awareness, I thought it To be honest I had zero idea that my 100th game couple of years I hope to get a couple more Grey
would be something great to be involved with. is coming up. Thanks for telling me! I’m honoured Cups. I enjoy coaching little children, so who
I enjoy eating healthy and staying active, so it to be a Calgary Stampeder, especially for these knows? That may be an option, but as of now I
was the perfect way to use my platform to help many years. The organization has played a huge plan to go into nursing after my playing career. If
bring awareness to many. Especially in children, role in my maturation of a young boy into a time works in my favour, I would love to go back
helping promote living an active lifestyle and man over the years, and I’m forever grateful. My to school and obtain a psychology degree. I’m
making the right health choices. What we put favourite memory by far was winning the Grey fascinated with brain and behaviour.
into our bodies is what we get out of our bodies. Cup in 2014!
You’re originally from Toronto. How difficult is it Do you recall a time you felt like giving up? How
to be away from family and friends? How do you did you overcome it?
make up the lost time when you’re home? In battling with surgeries, I wouldn’t say there
During the football season, it can be tough to be was a time where I wanted to give up, but I had
away from your family. But that’s what’s beautiful the internal question, “Will I ever be me again?”
about football—we eventually become a family If you meet my mother, you’re realize that giving
within the team. We spend so many hours up isn’t an option for me. Even now that I’m 30,
together every single day. she still believes she is in charge of me.
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