Page 35 - WATCH IT! - FW MAGAZINE 2018
P. 35



        My passion and passtime is river surfing. Like most Rocky Mountain surfers, I learned to surf in warmer
        waters and came home looking for its next closest relatives. Snowboarding, longboarding, SUP, and
        slackline, but nothing seemed to scratch the itch. The only thing that would light up my soul was trips to
        the coast. Over time, river surfing consumed all that.

        How did you first get into surfing? What attracted   myself that I would invest my earnings into   Always  on the  road,  you  must  have  a huge
        you to the sport?                    memories instead of things. It seemed to be the   appreciation for the great outdoors and a dear
        I first learned to surf in Australia. Like most kids   perfect storm for river-surf exploration. This is a   connection with nature. What does “giving back”
        growing up in rural Alberta, I played hockey and   new world that is completely uncharted. There are   mean to you?
        skied in the mountains but was always attracted   endless waves out there, completely untouched   I just want to do everything I can to ensure these
        to surfing since I first saw it on TV. The first time   by other surfers, waiting to be discovered.  wild waves are still around for future generations
        I rode a board in the ocean I was hooked. I came                          to explore. I don’t think everyone has to be
        back to the Rockies with a fresh enthusiasm for   You set out on a mission to surf 100 river waves.   a hard-core hippie to make that happen, but
        snowboarding,  longboarding  big hills, and  any   If you had to recommend a location or river that   making smarter decisions in the short term can
        other chance I could get to ride a board. For me   you’ve visited on your mission, where would you   go a long way. It’s not always easy, but stopping
        it was the mindfulness required to centre myself   send us?               to think about how much waste we produce
        into the complete present moment and the pure   The perfect experience for someone looking to   and being earth-wise in the things we do on a
        self-expression that comes out of that. It carried   get into the scene is making the annual spring   regular basis—like our trips to the grocery store
        through to all the other aspects of my life, making   pilgrimage to the Lochsa River in northern Idaho.   or cleaning house—can ensure a healthy future.
        me more present, patient, mindful, and creative.  About a 10 hour drive southwest of Calgary,
                                             Alberta, this barrelling river wave offers a five out   How’d you get involved with Surf Anywhere?
        How did this transition into river surfing?  of five for a good surf trip. The wave quality is   Surf  Anywhere  started  pretty  simply  with
        After getting bit by the surf bug, that was it. If   world-class and relatively safe if you are a strong   the Alberta River Surfing Association. We are
        even remotely close to surfing, I would try it until   swimmer. Its prime levels can be predicted in   fortunate to have the Kananaskis River in our
        my next trip back to the ocean. My favourite was   advance so you know it will be good when you   playground in the Rocky Mountains. Here’s the
        starting  the  University  of  Lethbridge  Surf  Club   get there. The scenery follows a raging river   special  thing the Kan offers that other rivers
        with a few friends and taking some freshmen   weaving through lush mountains and stretching   don’t: The Transalta power dam turns the river
        kooks down to the California coastline to teach   high  into heartwarming sunsets.  With a  range   on and off every day. The ability to turn a river
        them how to ride waves on our reading break.   of accommodations from tenting at the base of   off is like building a laboratory for river-wave
        After returning from our first trip south, one of   the hot springs to rustic cabins down the road,   building. In the earliest years of the Alberta
        the club members sent me a newspaper clipping   there’s something for everyone. Cell service is nil   River Surf Association, we worked to develop
        of  surfing  the  10th  Street  wave  in  downtown   to none, and the population of the nearest town   better waves for surfing. With each approved
        Calgary. I laughed at the thought of riding such   is 24. The water is fresh, cool, and crystal clear   construction period, we moved rocks and could
        a tiny wave and told Jeff I would stick to the   and can easily wash away whatever stress and   directly  see  their  outcome.  This  compressed
        ocean, thanks. Regardless of my restraint, he had   worries await you back in the city.  lifetimes of modelling and research into less than
        me surfing a wave in Kananaskis in no time. The                           a decade, and the outcome was a surf wave we
        wave lacked the power and rhythm of any ocean,   What are your three must-have bits of kit for a   are all proud of. Building the “Mountain Wave” in
        but, that feeling I had the first time I learned to   river-surfing adventure?  2014 put us centre-stage for other eager wave-
        surf in Australia came rushing back. Since then   I’m always near a river. So instead of packing water   building communities, and the emails started
        I’ve been addicted to riding new river-waves and   or wasting plastic, I have a LifeStraw water bottle   coming in. We have since been working with
        bringing back that first-time feeling.  that I don’t leave home without. Our equipment   other river surf associations around the world to
                                             isn’t much different from ocean surfers, so a   produce the same results. The joy that surfing
        Can you recall the moment you decided to live   quality wetsuit and a decent surfboard is really   brings to my day-to-day life is the ultimate gift
        a more adventurous life? Did something happen   all you need. Some glamping supplies can make   I can give someone else. It’s been incredibly
        to make you want to explore as you are now?  a tent in the woods feel like home, and a camera   challenging and equally rewarding to pour all my
        Growing up, I always knew there was something   or journal are always nice to have. But beyond   free time into building waves and community.
        else out there for me. I grew up in small-town   all that, you need to bring a friend—someone to
        Okotoks,  so there  wasn’t  much  to  do  except   watch your back, share some drinks with around   What did you hope to achieve from your
        play in the river and build tree forts with my   the campfire, and especially help you exaggerate   Unsurfed Afghanistan documentary?
        younger brother. Pretty early in, I developed a   the stories of the sweet, sweet surf you scored   To be honest, I didn’t really know what we would
        thirst for making my own fun through seeking   when you get back home. Surfing can be a very   find or have a concrete goal when we started
 A386632 $400  out adventure. I can’t drill it down to a specific   minimalizing activity—with each trip, I try to pack   planning the trip to Afghanistan. We didn’t even
        moment, but at some point I made a deal with   less and less.             know if there would be waves. The intel we had
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