Page 3 - Modelling Things
P. 3

ICT                                         Grade 8                                     2019/2020

            Based on the answers that the model gives, the managers of the business can make decisions.

            Spreadsheets are often used to model the financial systems of a business.

            Training Pilots to Fly an Airplane
            Trainee pilots have many hours of lessons in flight simulators before being allowed to fly a real

            Flight simulators behave almost exactly like real airplanes since they are controlled by a computer with
            a very accurate and realistic model of the airplane. The main difference is that the simulator can’t
            actually crash!

            Pilots can make mistakes without putting anyone‟s life at risk.

            Flight simulators can provide a pilot with any number of highly realistic flying situations: storms,
            engine failures, low cloud hiding the runway, etc.

            The experience that pilots gain whilst using the simulator means that when they eventually start flying
            real airplanes, they already have many of the required skills.


                        Robots  are used in many areas of manufacturing, from heavy work right through to
                        delicate operations.  Examples include paint spraying of car bodies, welding
                        bodywork on cars, manufacturing of microchips, manufacturing electrical goods and
                        automatic  warehouses.
                           Control  of robots  is either through embedded  microprocessors  (see Section
                        7.3)  or  linked  to  a  computer  system.  Programming  of  the  robot    to  do a  task  is
                        generally done in one of two ways:
                        ●   The robot  is programmed with a sequence of instructions  which allow it to
                           carry out a series of tasks (e.g. spraying a car body with paint).
                        ●   Alternatively, a human operator  manually carries out a series of tasks and how
                           each task is done is relayed back to the robot  (embedded processor) or
                           controlling computer. The sequence of instructions  is remembered  so that the
                           robot  can automatically carry out each task identically each time (e.g.
                           assembling parts in a television).

                        Robots  are often equipped with sensors so they can gather important information
                        about their surroundings. Sensors also prevent them from doing „stupid things‟, such
                        as stopping  a robot  spraying a car if no car is present, or stopping  the spraying
                        operation  if the supply of paint has run out, etc.
                           Robots  are very good at repetitive tasks. However,  if there are many
                        different tasks (e.g. making specialist glassware for some scientific work) then it
                        is often better to still use human operators.

                  3                                                                           Dr.Nasser Ahmed
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