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Good News From American                                                                      FLY LOCAL
          American Airlines, which flies between Sawyer and Chicago
       O'Hare, will add a Saturday flight in May, arriving at 10:30 a.m.
       and departing at 11:05 a.m. on a 50-seat jet. Sawyer management
       is anticipating a new daily Chicago round trip on a 66-seater
       with some first class seats, hopefully in June. This would be an            Spring 2018 . . . . . . . . No. 31 . . . . . . .  Marquette County, Michigan
       addition to the current daily round-trip with O'Hare.
         Sawyer has worked closely with the airlines and Lake Superior            Weather Nips Passenger Totals
       Community Partnership's Transportation Task Force to increase                   Erratic winter weather at Sawyer and all
       scheduled air service for the flying public. The added American             three hubs disrupted enough flights to drop
       service gives passengers more options and increases the total              the first quarter passenger totals slightly from
       number of weekly seats to over 3,000.                                      a   year   ago.   The   2018   first   quarter   totaled
                                                                                  20,787 vs. 21,870 last year. The difference is
       From The Manager                                                           a loss of 1,083 riders over the three months,
          Since time is money, Sawyer passengers save lots of both by             which amounts to about a dozen fewer people
                      "flying   local."   One   passenger   told   me   that   his   per day (or less than two per flight).
                      Chicago-to-Sawyer   flight   on   American   Airlines           The total number of passengers arriving and
                      took only 43 minutes from wheels-up to wheels-              departing   through   Sawyer   since   the   airport
                      down. He didn't even have time to take a nap! That          moved to the former air base from Negaunee Township is creeping
                      beats spending hours behind a steering wheel.               close to the two million mark. This is six times the population of
                         Sawyer has all non-stops to three major hubs,            the U.P. and establishes Sawyer as the busiest airport in the penin-
                      with access to hundreds of destinations around the          sula.
                      world. We are fortunate to have this schedule, and
        Duane DuRay   are pleased that so many passengers start here.             Cargo S

                        AMERICAN AIRLINES
           WHO             1-800-433-7300
           CALL           DELTA AIR LINES

                        MarqTran     SAWYER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
          125 Avenue G, Gwinn, MI 49841
                        225-1112    1-906-346-3308

                                                       Larry Chabot, Editor                   What's Inside: Giant Planes. . . Snow Broom?
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