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The Ice Has Melted                                                            A Great Read On A Great Ride
           The Korean Aerospace Industry, South Kore-                                   On your next American Airline flight
        an Army, and a U.S. Army crew from the Red-                                   to   Chicago,   check   in   the   seatback
        stone Arsenal in Alabama completed icing tests                                pouch for the latest issue of American
        on military helicopters in the Sawyer area in                                 Way, a monthly publication with 16
        late   March.   The   copters   have   been   familiar                        million readers per issue. Each copy is
        sights around Marquette County since Decem-                                   packed with stories on American des-
        ber, and the 60 visitors were an economic boon                                tinations,   celebrities,   airport   maps,
        to the area economy.                                                          puzzles,   even   recipes.  And   you   can
          Despite the presence of Army personnel, "this was not a military            take it with you.
        operation," said Sawyer Airport Manager Duane DuRay." It's a                    American Way editors receive over
        branch of the U.S. Army which helps aircraft manufacturers get cer-           36,000 emails from readers each year,
        tified in known icing flight operations. The primary role of the Army           which is a mark of passenger interest.
        is to have the equipment that makes the ice clouds."
                                                                                       Flight Suspension
        Huge Aircraft Draws Crowd                                                       Ford Airport in Iron Mountain has scheduled a temporary sus-
           One of the world's largest military planes – a Russian Antonov             pension   of   commercial   airline   operations   during   the   period
                                     AN-124 – arrived at Sawyer on April 4            April 30 to May 14 due to extensive runway construction. Delta
                                     to pick up for return to South Korea the         flights will not be landing or taking off from the Ford Airport
                                     helicopter used in the icing test. A good-       during this period of major improvement projects on the 6,500-
                                     sized crowd, cameras in hand, witnessed          foot runway.
                                                                                        There are provisions for continuing air freight and air ambu-
                                     the big plane's arrival. AN-124s landed          lance flights.
                                     here   before   for   fuel   stops   and   cargo
                                     pickup.   It's   owned   by   Volga-Dnepr-       TSA Guidelines
        Unique Air Cargo, Inc.                                                           It's called the TSA Liquids Rule, and all
          "There are few airports in the U.S. that could support this," said          airline passengers should be familiar with
        Duane DuRay. "We're fortunate to have such a long runway in Mi-               it. In your carry-on bag, you are allowed a
        chigan, so there were no problems flying into Sawyer."                         quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels,
          The AN-124 is the seventh largest to land here. The top six are:            creams, and pastes. These are limited to
                              Long   Wing                                             travel-sized containers of 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per
        Boeing 747-8          250    225    Longest U.S. passenger plane              item. Items larger than that must be placed in checked bags.
        C-5A Galaxy           247    223    Many landings and takeoffs                "Oh, The Aggravation….
        Boeing 747 cargo      235    211    Fuel & cargo; in Die Hard movie                 …of   waiting   at   highway   construction
        Air Force One         232    196    Presidential aircraft; three stops        sites, of detours on unfamiliar back roads,
        Air Force Two         232    196    Several stops                             of   windshield   wipers   going   steady…I
        E-4B (747 base)       231    196    Airborne command post                     should have flown from Sawyer!"
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