Page 2 - OCTOBER newsletter (46)
P. 2


                                                     BRIAN SIMPSON

                                                GENERAL MANAGER

  First off, I would like to welcome the following members to the club.

  James & Stephanie Stafford

  Dean & Leslie Thomas

  We are finally seeing some cooler fall temperatures following the recent heat

  wave last week.  The heat wave caused some local panic when  PG&E sent out

  notices about the potential precautionary power shutoffs due to fire

  conditions. The club will need to adapt to these new “norms” that will be

  potentially occurring annually with the new Public Safety Power Shutoff

  program.  Currently the club has generators for the irrigation system on the

  golf course, however, the clubhouse does not.  These planned outages would

  affect our ability to stay open during any precautionary outage leaving us

  without both power and water in the building. We are working through some

  plans to address this situation from  an operational standpoint if a planned

  shut off  were to occur at the club.

  Tanya Murphy, our Membership Service/Office Manager is out of the office on

  maternity leave and not returning until November.  In the interim, I have

  taken over her responsibilities at the club until she returns.  We are excited for

  her and look forward to meeting her son Alonzo.
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