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Gone are the days when people avoided can lower blood pressure, reduce “bad”
strength training because of a fear of bulky cholesterol, and improve blood circulation.
muscles. Now, most know that strength The whole body is improved by strength
training, a form of exercise that focuses on training. Weight-bearing exercises push
moving any form of weight, is good for bone-building cells into action and
the heart and doesn’t result in muscles that having strong bones may lower the risk
resemble a bodybuilder.
of osteoporosis, falls, and fractures as
Weight lifting is a form of strength training. you age. Strength training even improves
Any movement that involves moving a cognitive functions. In addition, routine
weight is a form of strength training. Yoga, strength training can help with the signs and
which focuses on moving body weight, is symptoms of many conditions, including
a form of strength training. Other forms arthritis and diabetes.
include: As an added bonus, exercise boosts your mood.
• Working with resistance bands Strength training requires no special
• Exercising on weight machines equipment, classes, or location. Taking the
stairs and curling soup cans are activities
• Aerial silk anyone can do at any time.
• Trapeze However, if you decide to engage in
• Gymnastics formalized strength training, check with your
physician before starting this type of workout. ask the rdN:
Strength training builds muscle. Muscles
help with everyday activities, like lifting Source:
groceries. Strong core muscles, hamstrings, ARE COLLAGEN SUPPLEMENTS
and glutes take the load o the lower back. benefi ts-of-strength-training#what-it-is NECESSARY FOR MY HEALTH?
In addition, the heart is a muscle, so it is Research is mixed regarding the e cacy of
benefi ts-of-strength-training.html
a ected by strength training. This exercise
collagen supplements. However, some studies
suggest they may improve hair growth, skin
elasticity, nail growth, and joint pain. It is
always best to choose natural food sources over
supplementation, so include foods like beef,
pork, eggs, and fish in your diet. If you cannot
go that route or feel you need more collagen,
look for a supplement certified by a reputable
organization like ConsumerLab, NSF, or USP.
Bone broth has a deeper fl avor than stock and
other types of broths, but claims about its
healing qualities have made it popular. Science
doesn't support those promises. If you choose
to use bone broth, read your food labels, as
sodium content can be higher, and there may
be some unexpected ingredients like butter,
cream, or oil. Add some veggies and whole
grains to increase the nutritional value, so you
get the most out of bone broth, regular broth,
or stock.
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