Page 8 - BrockCoNewsletterMayJune-2023-R1.indd
P. 8

Inside this iSSue:

                 • Garlic Scapes Benefi ts + Recipe
                 • Fermented Foods
                 • Coconut is a Fruit, Not a Nut!

                 • The Inside Out of Calcium
                 • And more!

        Busting Myths:


        So much of what we learned as fact is folklore.  these glasses. Why eight and not ten or four?   body craves hydration, not specifi cally water.
                                             Researchers cannot even fi nd a credible source   You can become hydrated from all kinds of
        Despite what  you may have heard, you  can
        safely swallow chewing gum. Swimmers who   for these recommendations. Many point to a   foods, including fruits, vegetables, fi sh,  soft
        go for a dip immediately after a meal aren’t   passage in a 1974 book. Others think it may   cheese,  chicken,  and  pasta—even  beverages

        risking their lives. There’s no need to drink   have grown from a 1945 National Academy of   with caffeine hydrate the body. The only drink
        eight glasses of water each day.     Sciences recommendation. Interestingly, both   that drains you is alcohol.
                                             documents recommend different amounts

        If you disappoint yourself daily because you   people should drink, but neither focus on   Unless you are sick, working out, or spending
        aren’t able to sip several quarts of water a day,   water or beverages. Instead, they highlight the   a lot of time in a hot environment, there is no
        the struggle can end.                moisturizing benefi ts of food.       need to force fl uids.
        Today, when most people are bathed in air   Now,  doctors  recommend  common  sense.   Source:
        conditioning in hot months, there is little risk   Our bodies are about sixty percent water,
        of dehydration. So, put down that water bottle   a level we should maintain for our bodies to   water/
        and relax.                           function properly. The body has a good way
        The saying mentions eight “glasses” but doesn’t   to indicate that we need to hydrate—thirst.   expert-answers/faq-20058446
        specify the glass size. It also pushes for eight of   When you are thirsty, get some fl uids. The

           All of us at Brock & Company, Inc. are dedicated to providing a healthy and enjoyable dining
           experience. We’re here to answer questions and receive your comments or suggestions.
           Email Us:         @BrockEatHealthy      @BrockEatHealthy

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