Page 168 - October Financial
P. 168

                                          101003 PSL-Operating (5568), Period Ending 10/31/2018

                                                 RECONCILIATION CHANGE REPORT
                            Since this reconciliation on 12/02/2018, changes were made to the reconciled transactions in this report.
                                                                ORIGINAL AMT  CURRENT AMT                AMOUNT
             DATE        TYPE         REF NO.     PAYEE                                    CHANGE
                                                                      (USD)       (USD)             CHANGE (USD)
             10/19/2018  Expense                                      244.56        0.00   Deleted         244.56
                                                                                     Total                244.56
                                                    RECONCILIATION REPORT
                                                     Reconciled on: 12/01/2018

                                           Reconciled by: dbradshaw407's company-QB Accountant
             Any changes made to transactions after this date aren't included in this report.
             Summary                                                                                        USD
             Statement beginning balance                                                                   611.48
             Checks and payments cleared (119)                                                          -87,146.86
             Deposits and other credits cleared (23)                                                     86,760.00
             Statement ending balance                                                                      224.62

             Uncleared transactions as of 10/31/2018                                                    -16,700.98
             Register balance as of 10/31/2018                                                          -16,476.36
             Cleared transactions after 10/31/2018                                                          0.00
             Uncleared transactions after 10/31/2018                                                    -11,107.28
             Register balance as of 12/01/2018                                                          -27,583.64

             Checks and payments cleared (119)

             DATE                TYPE                REF NO.            PAYEE                       AMOUNT (USD)
             04/10/2018          Check              unk1                Lancaster, Karen                 -3,188.73
             04/25/2018          Check              unk9                Lancaster, Karen                 -3,188.73
             09/25/2018          Check              1413                Kunath, Patricia A                -687.00
             09/25/2018          Check              1418                Chandler, Michele                 -860.21
             09/25/2018          Check              1431                Napier, Laura                      -29.22
             09/25/2018          Check              1412                Ralls, Charlotte                  -189.05
             10/01/2018          Expense                                5630 xfr to                       -641.49
             10/01/2018          Expense                                ADP Screening                      -60.00
             10/01/2018          Expense                                Med Care Pharmacy                -1,007.05
             10/01/2018          Check              1446                BPU Employee                      -366.86
             10/01/2018          Expense                                5630 xfr to                      -1,000.00
             10/02/2018          Check              1448                McGregor Services                 -260.00
             10/02/2018          Expense                                                                 -1,020.00
             10/02/2018          Check              1403                THCA Tenn Health Care A…          -950.00
             10/03/2018          Bill Payment       1444                Bradley Arant Boult Cummi…       -3,823.00
             10/03/2018          Bill Payment       1447                Equip All                         -935.96
             10/05/2018          Bill Payment                           ADP Time & Attendance             -189.20
             10/05/2018          Bill Payment                           ADP, LLC                           -58.82
             10/10/2018          Check              1480                Trimble, Inga C                   -454.46
             10/10/2018          Check              1481                Yates, Chelsea                    -892.20
             10/10/2018          Check              1482                Brown, Kristy                     -864.98
             10/10/2018          Check              1483                McNairl, Johnnie                  -758.57
             10/10/2018          Check              1484                Willis, Monica D                  -157.76
             10/10/2018          Check              1485                Collins, Tamara                   -629.42
             10/10/2018          Check              1486                Smith, Sharron                    -337.86
   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173