Page 116 - Compliance Workbook June
P. 116
3. Any allegation of abuse or neglect (rather it is substantiated or not) reported by the
resident, staff, or responsible party.
4. Misappropriation of resident property.
Alleged incidents include occurrences between staff/resident, resident/resident, family, visitor, volunteer,
responsible party/resident.
The facility must conduct a thorough investigation; prevent any other incidents from occurring during the
course of investigation and report the results of the investigation to the state agency within 5 working
days or as designated by state law. The facility may report the results of an investigation by completing
the remainder of the reporting form and resubmitting it to the state agency.
The Administrator and Director of Nursing Services shall analyze the occurrences to determine what
changes are needed, if any, to facility practices to prevent further occurrences.
No one shall evict, harass, dismiss or retaliate against a resident or employee because he or any member
of his family has made a report of any violation or suspected violation of the Resident's rights or
suspected abuse and neglect or misappropriation of resident property.
Accountability on the part of our employees will be absolute! It is required each employee to be
knowledgeable of current abuse and neglect laws and be familiar with procedures for reporting suspected
abuse or neglect.
The facility must not employ individuals who have been:
• Found guilty of abusing, neglecting, or mistreating residents by a court of law; or
• Have had a finding entered into the State Nurse Aide Registry concerning abuse, neglect,
mistreatment of residents or misappropriation of their property; and
• Report any knowledge it has of actions by a court of law against an employee, which would
indicate unfitness for service as a nurse aide or other facility staff to the State Nurse Aide
Registry or licensing authorities.
Any employee of the facility who is suspected to disregard of any of the Resident's rights or of abuse or
neglect of any resident, shall be immediately suspended from all duties and from the facility pending an
investigation. The employee's supervisor and the facility administrator, or his/her desi ee, shall conduct
a prompt and through investigation of the alleged incident with full and complete documentation.
If the investigation validates that disregard of a resident's rights has occurred, appropriate and immediate
disciplinary action shall be conducted regarding the employee up to and including termination of
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