Page 174 - January Financial Workbook
P. 174

Balance  6,167.18  6,167.18  (16,428.78)  (16,428.78)  (34,012.28)  (34,012.28)  (41,838.73)  (41,838.73)  38,069.86  273.40  273.40  (150.19)  (4,256.95)  (4,256.95)  11,239.67  11,239.67  180.00  16,187.50  1,312.50  716.29  1,159.00  1,159.00  5,943.03  5,943.03  16,779.98
     Page 11 of 22  P

        Net Chg/Subtotal  6,167.18  6,167.18  (1,033.78)  (1,033.78)  (2,383.86)  (2,383.86)  (8,257.53)  (8,257.53)  0.00  273.40  273.40  0.00  (310.00)  (310.00)  221.49  221.49  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  1,159.00  1,159.00  437.77  437.77  710.18

        Credits  0.00  1,819.10  1,819.10  1,671.98  0.00  1,671.98  4,437.12  0.00  4,437.12  9,253.19  0.00  9,253.19  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  29.93  29.93  0.00  310.00  310.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00

        Debits  7,986.28  0.00  7,986.28  0.00  638.20  638.20  0.00  2,053.26  2,053.26  0.00  995.66  995.66  0.00  58.96  118.03  126.34  0.00  303.33  0.00  0.00  0.00  221.49  221.49  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  1,159.00  1,159.00  437.77  437.77  710.18

        Ref #   Prev. Balance  0.00  0.00  (15,395.00)  (15,395.00)  (31,628.42)  (31,628.42)  (33,581.20)  (33,581.20)  38,069.86  0.00  0.00  (150.19)  (3,946.95)  (3,946.95)  11,018.18  Payroll - 2018-1  11,018.18  180.00  16,187.50  1,312.50  716.29  0.00  01042018  0.00  5,505.26  Payroll - 2018-1  5,505.26  16,069.80  Payroll - 2018-1

                                                         Current Period Items - Accommodation - A/R import - 48.40950.000
                                                            Past Period Items - Accommodation - A/R import - 48.40950.000
                                            Current Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40500.000
                                                                         Current Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 49.49911.000
                       Current Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40400.000
                                                          Current Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40950.000
                                 Current Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40450.000
             Current Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40110.000
                                                              Past Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40950.000
                                              Past Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40500.000
                                   Past Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40450.000
               Past Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40110.000
                         Past Period Items - Ancillary - A/R import - 48.40400.000
                                                                                  1-2018 - 412-Universal Worker-Overtime  1-2018 - 410-CNA-Overtime  1-2018 - 409-LPN-Overtime

        Description                                                                                 Fletcher Dental

        Source  AR  AR  AR  AR   AR  AR     AR  AR       AR  AR  AR  AR  AR       GL-IM             AP-IN    GL-IM   GL-IM

        Batch-Ent.  1011-2  1011-6 Net Change and Ending Balance for Year 2018 and Period 1-Jan  1011-2  1011-6 Net Change and Ending Balance for Year 2018 and Period 1-Jan  1011-2  1011-6 Net Change and Ending Balance for Year 2018 and Period 1-Jan  1011-2  1011-6 Net Change and Ending Balance for Year 2018 and Period 1-Jan  1011-1  1011-2  1011-5  1011-6 Net Change and Ending Balance for Year 2018 and Period 1-Jan  1011-2 Net Change and Ending Balance for Year 2018 and Period 1-Jan

        Eff. Date 48.40110.000 - Med B - Contract. Adj.  01/31/18  12/31/17  48.40400.000 - Med B - PT  01/31/18  12/31/17  48.40450.000 - Med B - OT  01/31/18  12/31/17  48.40500.000 - Med B - ST  01/31/18  12/31/17  48.40900.000 - Med B - Anc. Contract. Adj. 48.40950.000 - Med B - 2% Reduction  01/31/18  01/31/18  12/31/17  12/31/17  49.49611.000 - Other Income - Interest 49.49911.000 - Other Income - Miscellaneous  01/31/18  60.00201.001 - Payroll Exp-Wages ALF-OT  01/25/18  60.80

        FP/FY  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18  1-Jan/18
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