Page 25 - U_Save_Dental (July 2019 Catalog)
P. 25


       FOR ENDODONTIC ACCESS LATERAL EXTENSION                                                                 NEW

       The Endo Safe End                   - This must be accomplished without
       Instruments are available in        penetrating the floor  of the pulp           ENDO SAFE END   $ 5.99/ea
       2 sizes (1.4mm and 1.8mm)           chamber.
       and are designed for lateral                                                      SE1    SE2   $ 59.90
       endodontic access                   - The Endo Safe End instrument will cut                    ( box of 10 )
                                           only laterally and not  apically to prevent
       enlargement without the risk        perforation of the furcation area                          SE1:  Head Length (mm) 9.0 Max Head
       of penetrating the pulp                                                                           Diameter (mm) 1.4 LOA (Overall
       chamber floor. The safe end         - The ideal bur for this procedure is a                       Length mm) 24.0
       tip will prohibit the access        side-cutting only  with a safe end (non-                   SE2:  Head Length (mm) 9.0 Max Head
       from getting deeper, yet still      cutting) tip designed to prevent ledging.                     Diameter (mm) 1.8 LOA (Overall
       allows for lateral expansion.                                                                     Length mm) 24.
                            FURCATION AREA
                                                                                     $ 99.75
       PREMIUM T&F CARBIDES (12 BLADES)                                              (Box of 25)  $ 3.99/ea

                                           TRIMMING AND FINISHING CARBIDE BURS
                                                 Efficiently trim and contour composites
                NEEDLE                FLAME                FOOTBALL                      ROUND                 TAPER
             KUT7901  KUT7902 KUT7903     KUT7104        KUT7404  KUT7406  KUT7408   KUT7004  KUT7006  KUT7008    KUT7642

       PREMIUM T&F CARBIDES (20 BLADES)                                             $ 124.75     $ 4.99/ea
                                                                                     (Box of 25)

                                           TRIMMING AND FINISHING CARBIDE BURS
                                                 Efficiently trim and contour composites
                                 NEEDLE                           FOOTBALL                   ROUND
                            KUT8901  KUT8902  KUT8903         KUT8404  KUT8406  KUT8408         KUT8006

       PREMIUM TRIMMING & FINISHING (SAFE END)                                       $ 79.50
                                                                                     (Box of 10)
                                                                                                 $ 7.95/ea
                                           TRIMMING AND FINISHING CARBIDE BURS
                                                 Efficiently trim and contour composites
                                   SE3 10  SE4 10  SE6 10  SE8 10  SE9 10  SE3 20  SE4 20  SE6 20  SE8 20  SE9 20

                  1-888-768-1230or online at

                                                                      extra 5%
                                   Place your order online and save an
                                                             25 25
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