Page 55 - U_Save_Dental (July 2019 Catalog)
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                                                                                Cartridge 380ml
      DYNAMIC REFILL PACK (380 ml)                                              + 6 tips + 1 ring  $ 99/ea

              WHOLE ARCH (REGULAR) HEAVY BODY                            PUTTY

                                Total Working Time: 1:30                                   Total Working Time: 1:30
                                Time in Mouth: 3:00                                        Time in Mouth: 3:00
                                Total Setting Time: 4:30                                   Total Setting Time: 4:30
                                The High viscosity vinyl polysiloxane (VPS)                The Kopy Putty is non-greasy, easy to manipulate
                                impression material is  excellent with impression          and mixes with consistency. Extremely kneadable
                                taking. The advanced surface technology (extra             very high viscosity vinyl polysiloxane (VPS)
                                hydrophilic) along with the exceptional thixotropic        preliminary impression material formulated to
                                characteristics makes this product an ideal                guide the wash materials highly accurately to the
                                impression tool in the hands of all dentists .             surfaces that are clinically important.

                                Indications: Two step putty/wash technique. One step putty/wash  Indications: Two step putty/wash technique. One step putty/wash
                                technique. Functional peripheries. Crown & Bridge Work. Inlay and  technique. Functional peripheries. Crown & Bridge Work. Inlay and
                                onlay impressions.                                         onlay impressions.
                                SKU: KOPY1413                                              SKU: KOPY1415

              MONOPHASE                                                  BYE-BYE ALGN 8 (ALGINATE REPLACEMENT)

                                Total Working time: 1:30                                   Total Working time: 1:30
                                Time in Mouth: 3:00                                        Time in Mouth: 3:00
                                Total Setting Time: 4:30                                   Total Setting Time: 4:30
                                A Medium viscosity vinyl polysiloxane (VPS)                ByeBye Algin8 is an ideal VPS alginate replacement. Ideal for
                                impression material that is ideal for implants and         producing orthodontic models, study models, creating mouth
                                partial impressions.. Its high elastic recovery in         guards and bleaching trays. Unlike alginate, it is very stable,
                                combination with its extra hydrophilicity ensures          has a high tear strength and may be disinfected. It is so stable
                                                                                           it can be archived instead of heavy stone models. It is also ideal
                                maximum accuracy for the impression.
                                                                                           for creating temporary crown and bridge impressions in
                                                                                           preparation for the use of TEMP Temporary C&B.

                                Indications: Single step impression technique/Double step  Indications: Preliminary impressions/Anatomic models/Fabricating
                                impression technique/Crown & Bridge work/Inlay and onlay   temporary crowns and bridges/Opposing dentition/Fabricating
                                impressions/Functional impressions.                        simple removable prosthetic restorations/Orthodontic work/Case
                                                                                           study models.
                                SKU: KOPY1416                                              SKU: KOPY1417
                    I have a  very large crown and bridge practice including  I love how this material flows so easily and
                    full mouth reconstruction LVI style, few years ago we           captures exact detail in the wet
                    switched to Kopy impression materials from Dental          environment.  This is yet another great
                    Savings Club. The ease of use, the accuracy, tear            product by Dental Savings Club that
                    resistance, and neatness of this product is superior than  combines outstanding quality with value.
                    the same material of a famous, very costly brand name.
                                                                                            George Kirtley, DDS
                    Farid Shodjaee, DDS

                  1-888-768-1230or online at

                                                                      extra 5%
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