Page 63 - U_Save_Dental (July 2019 Catalog)
P. 63


                                      ROOT CANAL SEALER                                       $ 89/4gr syringe

                                       NOT “JUST A SEALER” ANYMORE

         Bio-Phil is dentistry’s first paste:paste MTA-based salicylate resin root canal sealer, versatile for every obturation
         method. It delivers easily and without waste, and exhibits excellent handling properties with an efficient setting time.
         Topping the list of desirable attributes is the addition of MTA – the product that does everything right.

                                                                            Why MTA?
                                                                            Half of Bio-Phil’s paste:paste formula contains 13.2% MTA.
                                                                            Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) is hands-down the most
                                                                            biocompatible material in endodontics. It yields an
                                                                            impressive, hermetic seal in which the MTA particles
                                                                            expand, preventing micro-infiltration. And, MTA
                                                                            simultaneously releases free calcium ions [Ca2+] to
                                                                            accelerate the healing process by stimulating the
                                                                            regeneration of the adjacent tissues.
                                                                            Why Salicylate Resin?
                                                                            The other half of Bio-Phil’s paste:paste formula contains
                                                                            biologically compatible salicylate resin (1,3 butileneglycol
                                                                            disalicylate resin) which is tissue-friendly and therefore a
                                                                            better choice over epoxy-based resins, which have been
                                                                            shown to have mutogenic and more cytotoxic effects.

         A Great Combination
         The combination of Bio-Phil’s two pastes combine in a homogenous mix to form a rigid, but semi-permeable structure with excess MTA dispersed
         throughout. The MTA activity is possible because of its permeability. The physical properties of this sealer formula are indisputably favorable!
                  Product Features:
                  • Flow Rate 27.66 (average diameter) Excellent flow into all areas of canal
                  • Working time 35 minutes. Ample time for multiple canals, pre-mixing
                  • Setting time 130 minutes, (+/-10)
                  • Film thickness less than ISO maximum. Excellent adaptation to root canal walls
                  • Solubility 0.1%. Extremely low solubility ensures reliable marginal seal
                  • Radiopacity Exceeds ISO standards. Very high, for excellent radiographic diagnosis.
                  • Mixing Paste: paste with auto-mixing tips. Perfect dose and consistency every time,
                    no wasted material, saves time

                  Competitive Product Comparison (Physical & Mechanical Properties)
                      ATTRIBUTES       Dental Savings Club  COMPETITOR 1 COMPETITOR 2 COMPETITOR 3 COMPETITOR 4

                       PASTE : PASTE        YES          YES       JUST ONE PASTE   YES           YES
                           MTA           YES (13.2%)      NO           NO            NO           NO

                       RADIOPACITY        6.5mm AI     6.1mm AI      3.84mm AI     3.1mm AI     9.4mm AI
                          FLOW             29mm        25.15mm       26.96mm        24mm        21.17mm

                       WORKING TIME      35 MINUTES     2 HOURS     + 4 HOURS      3 HOURS      4 HOURS
                        SOLUBILITY         0.09           NF           NF          0.4 - 0.6      0.3

                        RELEASE OF          YES          YES           YES          YES           NO
                       SETTING TIME    2 HOURS AND 10m 7 HOURS AND 50m  4 HOURS  2 HOURS AND 15m  8 HOURS

                  1-888-768-1230or online at

                                                                      extra 5%
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