Page 17 - Kongresbogen2019
P. 17

Women project summary 2018

                                                                Catherine Marsal
                                                                Kvindelandstræner, landevej

         Objective and feedback             2018

         My vision for the year was to
         give the juniors some good inter-
         national experiences with racing
         few nation cups and specially to
         give attention and visibility to the
         youth categories at the Pige-
         Camps, Himmelfart, Marcello
         Bergamo cup and with 2 camps
         in August and December.
                                            Danish women cycling, I kept in   On the elite side, it was important
         Trofeo Binda hasn´t delivered      mind that the juniors still need   to still have them present in UCI

         the results I expected. This early  time to develop, stay motivated   races in 2018. We have been
         race in the season is a big nation  and work toward an international  very unlucky with sickness, ma-
         cup where all the nations are      level. The importance is to keep  ny injuries after crashes and
         present. The Danish girls were     them activated in their sport, to   other negative factors in Healthy
         not up to the level and showed     not lose them and to give them    Ageing Tour and Elsy Jakob and
         difficulties to stay in the bunch.   more time and tools to grow.    Bene ladies tour. However,
         The weather was hard core, 2       Therefore, they had the opportu- Christina Siggaard pulled a nice
         degrees with rain and 180 riders  nity to go to EM.                  6th place at EM road race and
         at the start and that has extre-   At VM, Mie Saabye pulled a fan-   Pernille Mathiesen a 5th place at
         mely intimidated them.                                               EM ITT and a 10th place at VM
                                            tastic top 10 in the road race (9th)
         HAT nation cup In April has been  on a course that was, on the pa-   ITT. On the road race at VM,
         a good race for the juniors to     per, not for her. She shifted gear   Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig missed
         evaluate their level on the world  after EM and managed to refo-     “the good train”, and missed her
         scene again. They need to keep  cus and rebound higher. On the       opportunity to enter the top 10.
         working to improve their           way out of VM, Mie went straight   She proved good ability to lift the
         strength, bike skills and tactic in   away to YOUTH OL in Argentina   leader status in the national
         race, but in general they had a    with Sofie Heby and they pulled   team, but she fell on a tactic
         better prestation than in Binda    a very encouraging gold in the    level. The team around Cecilie
         and I encourage them to keep       women team competition. Al-       was very dedicated and that is a
         faith and keep working.            ways good for the moral and ga-   very important point we take
                                                                              from this season 2018.
         The decision to take a Junior      ve them the experience of such
         team at EM in Brnò has been        big event.                        In November we had a team
         done late as the course was        The 2 camps with the U15- U17     camp in Calp where I invited 6
         extremely hard and we didn’t       and U19 has been extremely po-    elite and 4 juniors. The juniors
         have a rider that could pull a     sitive. The girls responded with a   got really boosted to being able
         result there. However, in the      great engagement and focus.       to train with the elite and to see
         optic of development for the                                         “how they do” in terms of food
                                                                              and athletes life style. This has
                                                                              been very beneficial for them.

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