Page 33 - Making It To The End Of The Month
P. 33

So, it’s clear that the financial problems we face cannot be solved with the same mindset that led to this position in the first place. We need to shift our paradigms and move to a higher level of values and ideas to develop a generous heart that is not controlled by money. The more we adjust our thinking about money, the more our relationship with it will change. This transformation will bring stability and control to the seemingly uncontrollable flow of money.
Now we’re going to start the process of saying goodbye to money’s domination. In the following chapters, I’ll be asking you to make certain decisions that are of paramount importance for your journey to change. Each chapter will begin with, ‘I have decided to ...’
At this juncture, let me re-emphasise that the principles in this book will work only if you apply them and only if believe them in your heart. So, I encourage you to engage your heart and conscience while reading. Don’t read merely to gain information; rather, read with an open mind and heart that desires to be transformed – free from the control of money and, therefore, able to make it to the end of the month successfully.

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