Page 48 - Making It To The End Of The Month
P. 48
acquire a bigger house or to purchase something expensive that we are unable to support on current income levels. In the chase for more, we believe the profit-driven commercial and cultural messages that suggest possessions can buy happiness, and we think these material things will satisfy our emotional and spiritual needs, but this is a lie. Only temporary happiness is found down this route. It currently goes by the name of ‘materialism’. Money will never bring true happiness to a person’s life. In fact, a sudden excessive amount of money often leads to unhappiness because the unexpected wealth captures the person’s heart, and they become consumed with it. Money can buy a house, but it can’t build a home; it can pay for education, but it can’t give wisdom; it can facilitate the means for a heart transplant, but is unable to provide love.
Yet, the dissatisfaction in our souls can be so great that our efforts to make the social leap often come at the expense of our own integrity. We can easily fall prey to dishonesty and corruption in attempts to gain more. This behaviour will become a serious problem because, inevitably, it will affect our own sense of well-being, bringing turmoil to our emotions and relationships. Unfortunately, dissatisfied people do not see their problem or, if they do, they are unable to admit it.