Page 49 - Making It To The End Of The Month
P. 49

Invariably, we will always want more, but being just as happy with a little as with a lot is a recipe worth aspiring to. In a world dominated by money and an economy that revolves around it, it is vital that we each come off the treadmill of wanting more and more and more, and start developing a thankful heart for what we already have. This is the key to finding contentment and real peace in all economic situations.
Here are some practical steps: Stop comparing yourself to others and stop examining what could be. Instead, consider what you have, notice everything that is in front you and, above all, be thankful. This is challenging, and it will take effort, but the benefit will be great! In the process, you’ll find new and profound joy ... personal satisfaction. You can be free from turmoil regarding money and possessions. You can find peace and contentment for your soul.
Consider your routine and then create a method of gratitude and that works for you. You can add things to your day that are achievable. Go on, give it a go and start making it a part of your daily rhythm.
Finally, in chapter seven, we’ll discuss the importance of having a spending plan. You can practice the art of contentment by sticking to

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