Page 87 - Making It To The End Of The Month
P. 87
HEY, BIG SAVER! | Chapter 9
With knowledge of this difference, we understand that we must first satisfy our needs before we meet our wants. You may believe that you can’t live without name brand jeans or the latest cell phone technology – these are wants, not needs – but you can! And many people do.
The fact is that our needs and wants never end. Every day, this is evident in the lives and circumstances of people on the opposite ends of the financial spectrum. Many people live in conditions where they lack the basic needs of food, water, shelter, freedom or opportunity. Others have more than enough and way beyond what they need – they have more money, more food, more cars, more clothes and more opportunity, in fact, more of everything. Yet, these people are just as aware of what they don’t have as the first group of people. This second group of ‘more than enough’ are consumed by thoughts and feelings of what they want to get or simply must have.
Just because our needs and wants never end, it doesn’t mean that we have no control over our spending and, therefore, can never save money. We are limited only by our imaginations, which can be caught up with clever marketing strategies that transport us away from reality, causing us to want (not need) something that’s outside of our financial scope.