Page 12 - Ireland
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Easy Access                                Eating out                                  Unique Venus

Ireland is located on the most westerly    Ireland is an island rich with lush green   What makes Dublin a totally unique
edge of Europe a mere five hours           vegetation and a strong agricultural        experience is variety of spaces available.
from New York.                             tradition. Nowhere is this more apparent    For the customer looking for a truly
Passengers on US bound flights pre clear   than in the quality of local Irish          bespoke, niche venue, Dublin offers
all US security checks before departure    ingredients. This quality of produce        everything from ancient
through US immigration (overseen by        coupled with the fact that Ireland has      renovated churches to castles with views
Homeland security) at Dublin Airport’s     undergone a food revolution since the       of the ocean. Whatever the goal for your
Terminal 2.                                nineties makes Dublin one of the most       event is, Dublin has the perfect space to
                                           exciting capitals in Europe to eat out in.  host it.
Parks & Gardens                            With a growing global passion for
                                           homegrown and locally sourced produce,      Price/Value Relationship
Dublin’s numerous parks and                Irish restaurants are now gaining
gardens are the life and lungs of the      international recognition for producing     Accommodation, transport,
city.                                      dishes of the highest quality. In           restaurants, entertainment and many
The 2,000 hectares of green space range    recent years, café culture in Dublin        more essential ingredients are
from the historic Phoenix Park- home of    has really come into its own                needed for a trip. Dublin has it all.
the wild Fallow deer, to nature reserves,                                              Your customers will have no shortage
Georgian Squares and sports grounds.                                                   of options on where to stay. 

A City of Literature

Writers such a James Joyce, Samuel
Beckett; George Bernard Shaw, WB
Yeats; John Synge, Oscar Wilde;
Jonathan Swift and Bram Stoker all
hail from Ireland’s capital city, 
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