Page 15 - PerthCitiFitout_16ppBrochure_July2019
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6 reasons
very good
budget to bespoke experience meets innovation hands-on and headache free
We can add something extra to your business, For over 45 years, the core team at Perth Citi Our owner directors, personally attend to every
at surprisingly good value. Whatever your fitout Fitouts have been providing fitout advice new client, ensuring all current needs and future
or refurbishment needs & budget, we can help and guidance statewide. Building on this requirements are thoroughly understood and
achieve more than you imagined. experience, PCF invest in talented designers addressed within the project scope.
and specialists, education and training,
your perfect match! make a big difference to your
product research & development and testing,
Feel confident knowing we share the same goals plus active attendance at industry expos and business
and values. We are committed to achieving events worldwide There are numerous reports, indices and studies
the best use of available space and resources such as Gensler’s Workplace Index, The Leesman
a true turnkey service
to create a better space for your business. If Index, Steelcase and others that explore the
you’re seeking impressive style, sustainability, From concept to reality, we know what it takes relationship between the physical space and
durability, function and lasting satisfaction for to deliver to your complete satisfaction. Good business performance metrics, productivity
you, your staff and your clients, then we are communication and great people are vital and what employees value.1. The impact on
destined for a great working relationship! factors in getting the job done the way it should the bottom line of business can be dramatic.
be and your dedicated Project Manager makes
it all possible - at every stage.
1. www.forbes.com_ December 03, 2015. Search ‘How The Physical Workspace Impacts The Employee Experience’ Contributor: Jacob Morgan,