Page 4 - PerthCitiFitout_16ppBrochure_July2019
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                                                                         DESIGN              PLANNING          CONSTRUCTION              DELIVERY

                                                                                                            A COMPLETE TURNKEY SERVICE

                                Our reputation is built upon the countless satisfied clients for whom we have helped create a better space. This success is
                               the result of quality products, exceptional workmanship,  sophisticated design, proven planning & management processes,
                                an in-house team of experts, a solid network of suppliers and a dedicated  manufacturing facility.  We are proud to offer a
                                 complete end-to-end solution that promises to create a better space for your business, delivered on time and on budget.

                   OFFICE                            HOSPITALITY                             MEDICAL                                RETAIL

          Australians spend about 25% of          From hotels to gelato, we        When it comes to the many critical      Create a better space and you
          their lives at work.  So it makes    understand hospitality.  Yes – it’s   considerations a Medical fitout      create a better retail experience.
           sense that by creating a better     a tough and serious business but     present, we’ve got it all covered.   If you want to boost your bottom
          space, you can enhance worklife       it’s also surrounded by fun and    We also understand that a practice       line, the physical space is a
         quality, increase productivity and    pleasure. We can help you strike      is a brand. Market appeal and       powerful tool for attracting more

          boost staff morale. PCF deliver      that perfect balance to create a     brand perception are just some        customers, who shop for longer
            custom or new fitouts from        better space. A space  your patrons   competitive advantages we can        and return more often. Contact us
              concept to completion.             will flock to, time and again.           help you achieve.                      to find out how.
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