P. 4

2018/19 EDITION
Mortlach Church
Notable buildings include Mortlach Church
The church itself was founded in 566AD by
St Moulag a a a a Scottish Christian missionary
and a a a a a contemporary of Saint Columba who evangelised the the Picts of Scotland in the the sixth century Today Mortlach remains one of the oldest places of continual worship in in Scotland From the outside it looks like a 19th century church church but some parts of the original church church still exist although it has been heavily reconstructed through the years between 1871 and 1931 It is rumoured that when King Malcolm II defeated
a a a a a force of Danes led by
Sweyn in a a a a a battle at at Mortlach in 1010 he he had the church enlarged by
three spear lengths in in celebration Within the churchyard is an early 19th century watch house built so that watchmen could guard the burial ground against grave robbers Catholics and the Rev George Gordon were
also delighted with the Earl of Fife’s plans for Du own as they had previously been praying
in secret up at at the Cabrach now at at last a a a a a a a chapel was planned In 1824 work began and in 1825 less than a a a a a a year later Father Gordon was settled in the house and people were
at last able to pray in the chapel of St Mary’s next door St Mary’s Church
The 1833 Directory recorded 170 regular attendees Father Gordon played an an important part in in ensuring the chapel was improved
and maintained as time went on most of the money coming from the loyal congregation He also played a a a a a major role in the revival of Scottish Church
music He edited two volumes of Sacred Music to be used by
small Choirs Mortlach Church
founded in 566AD by
St Moulag remains one of the oldest places of continual worship in Scotland Copies were
supplied to parishes all over Scotland England and and and and and Ireland and and and and and the volumes can still be found in St Mary’s today He also provided St Mary’s with an an organ In 2013 St Mary’s was awarded a a a a a a lottery heritage fund and substantial works were
carried out to bring St Mary’s back to its former glory PAGE 04

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