Page 125 - EL Grade 5 ALL Block Teacher Guide
P. 125

Grade 5: Module 1: Unit 2
— Invite partner A to whisper read his or her passage to partner B. Repeat with partner B whisper reading to partner A.
— Invite partner A to read his or her passage to partner B as if angry, like Esperanza. Model this for students before they begin.
— Invite partner B to read his or her passage to partner A as if sad, like Esperanza. Model this for students before they begin.
— As time permits, switch so partner B gets to read as if angry and partner A gets to read like as if sad.
— Guide students through a Think-Pair-Share:
“Which parts were easy to read, and which were di cult? What would make it easier to read the di cult parts next time?” (Responses will vary.)
■ If productive, cue students to expand the conversation by giving an example: Conversation Cue: “Can you give an example?” (Responses will vary.)
EL Education Curriculum 101
_ELED.ALL Block.05.01.indb 101
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